LSCF Bioinformatics - eHiTS - Weizmann Institute of Science
2007年5月7日 · eHiTS offers a full range of speed vs. accuracy options to meet the variety of docking applications, from rapid screening of very large databases, down to very accurate …
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2012年11月26日 · eHiTS(Electronic High Throughout Screening)是由SimBioSys, Inc.公司开发的用于快速虚拟筛选的分子对接软件,运行平台为Linux,可以并行化运算。
精确对接和虚拟筛选工具eHiTS简介_update - 百度文库
eHiTS 提供了不同的对接模式,以方便用户根据 自己化合物库的大小进行选择;平均对接一个配 体的时间在十几秒到几分钟之间。 eHiTS 具有超强的并行化能力,可以大大加快计 算的速度 …
eHiTS: an innovative approach to the docking and scoring ... - PubMed
In protein structure based VLS the aim is to find a ligand that has a high binding affinity to the target receptor whose 3D structure is known. This review will describe the docking tool eHiTS. …
eHiTS - Advanced Docking & Scoring Tool for Drug Discovery
The eHiTS program employs an automatic pocket detection algorithm based on pocket-depth values associated with 3D grid cells around the receptor structure. The grid is generated within …
Overview of the eHiTS docking algorithm. - ResearchGate
In this chapter, we focus on the fundamentals of protein docking by describing docking methods including search algorithm, scoring, and assessment steps as well as illustrating recent …
eHiTS: an innovative approach to the docking and scoring …
eHiTS is an exhaustive and systematic docking tool which contains many automated features that simplify the drug design workflow and a validation study is presented that demonstrates the …
eHiTS: An Innovative Approach to the Docking and Scoring …
This review will describe the docking tool eHiTS. eHiTS is an exhaustive and systematic docking tool which contains many automated features that simplify the drug design workflow. A …
精确对接和虚拟筛选工具eHiTS简介_update - 免费文档网
精确对接和虚拟筛选工具eHiTS简介. 分子对接是计算机辅助药物设计(CADD)的重要方法之一,其本质是配体和受体之间的识别过程。eHiTS就为我们提供了这样一个进行分子对接研究的 …