真核起始因子5 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
eIF5 (eukaryotic initiation factor 5, 真核起始因子 5)是一种 GTP酶激活蛋白,可以特异性激活 eIF2 的 GTP酶 活性,而其本身并不具有GTP酶的活性。 在 真核翻译 起始过程中,当48S前起始复合物结合mRNA,并且使起始Met- tRNA 与 起始密码子 AUG正确配对后,eIF5激活eIF2的GTP酶活性,使得eIF2上结合的 GTP 被 水解 为 GDP;之后GDP结合的eIF2从40S 核糖体 亚基上解离。 由于eIF2以及其他真核起始因子的解离之后60S核糖体亚基才能与40S亚基结合,因 …
EIF5 Gene - GeneCards | IF5 Protein | IF5 Antibody
2024年12月24日 · EIF5 (Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 5) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with EIF5 include Fibroosseous Pseudotumor Of Digits and Mehmo Syndrome. Among its related pathways are Peptide chain elongation and MAPK-Erk Pathway. Gene Ontology (GO) annotations related to this gene include RNA binding and binding.
EIF5 - Wikipedia
Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the EIF5 gene. [5] [6] EIF5 is a GTPase-activating protein. [7]
真核起始因子 - 百度百科
许多研究结果显示,eIF1、eIF3、eIF2·GTP·Met-tRNAi和eIF5能够在 酵母 体内结合,形成稳定的多因子复合物(MFC),而且MFC的完整性对于翻译起始,特别是在AUG密码子的选择中十分重要。而MFC是以eIF5作为核心,通过eIF5的C端结构域与eIF1、eIF2的β亚基以及eIF3的c亚基相互 ...
Mechanisms of translational regulation by a human eIF5-mimic ... - PubMed
The translation factor eIF5 is an important partner of eIF2, directly modulating its function in several critical steps. First, eIF5 binds eIF2/GTP/Met-tRNA(i)(Met) ternary complex (TC), promoting its recruitment to 40S ribosomal subunits. Secondly, its GTPase activating function promotes eIF2 disso …
EIF5 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5 [Homo sapiens …
2024年12月10日 · Eukaryotic translation initiation factor-5 (EIF5) interacts with the 40S initiation complex to promote hydrolysis of bound GTP with concomitant joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit to the 40S initiation complex.
真核翻译起始因子5A(eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A, eIF5A)是维持细胞活性必不可少的翻译因子,在进化上高度保守。 eIF5A是真核细胞中唯一含有羟腐胺赖氨酸(hypusine)的蛋白质,该翻译后修饰对eIF5A的活性至关重要。 1978年,人们首次鉴定出eIF5A,认为它在翻译起始阶段促进第1个肽键的形成。...
eIF5 is a dual function GAP and GDI for eukaryotic translational ...
We recently showed in a publication in Nature that the eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF5 has a second regulatory function and is a GDI (GDP dissociation inhibitor) in addition to its previously characterized role as a GAP (GTPase accelerating protein). These findings provide new insight into the mechanism of translation initiation ...
Eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF5 promotes the accuracy …
2014年9月2日 · eIF5 is the GTPase activating protein (GAP) for the eIF2·GTP·Met-tRNA iMet ternary complex with a critical role in initiation codon selection. Previous work suggested that the eIF5 mutation G31R/SUI5 elevates initiation at UUG codons by increasing GAP function.
Translation factor eIF5a is essential for IFNγ production and cell ...
2022年12月17日 · Here we show that the function of the elongation factor, eIF5a, is regulated dynamically in naïve CD8 + T cells upon activation by post-translational modification, whereupon it facilitates...