Apple eMac G4/1.25 (USB 2.0) Specs - EveryMac.com
The Apple eMac G4/1.25 (USB 2.0) features a 1.25* GHz PowerPC 7447a (G4) processor with the AltiVec "Velocity Engine" vector processing unit and a 512k on chip level 2 cache, 256 MB of PC2700 DDR SDRAM, a 40 GB or 80 GB Ultra ATA/100 hard drive, a tray-loading "Combo" or "SuperDrive" optical drive, ATI Radeon 9200 graphics with 32 MB of ...
eMac - Wikipedia
The eMac (short for education Mac) is a discontinued all-in-one Mac desktop computer that was produced and designed by Apple Computer. Released in 2002, it was originally aimed at the education market but was later made available as a cheaper mass-market alternative to Apple's "Sunflower" iMac G4 .
All Apple eMac Specs (PowerPC; 2002-2005): EveryMac.com
2024年11月2日 · Tech specs for all Apple eMac models (2002-2005). Dates sold, processor type, memory info, storage details, configuration options, model numbers and more.
Apple eMac G4/700 Specs - EveryMac.com
2011年4月29日 · The Apple eMac G4/700, originally exclusively for education, but available later for both the consumer and education markets, features a 700 MHz PowerPC 7441 (G4) processor with the AltiVec "Velocity Engine" vector processing unit and a 256k on chip level 2 cache, 128 MB of PC133 SDRAM, a 40 GB Ultra ATA/66 hard drive, a tray-loading 24X CD-RW ...
Apple eMac Desktops for sale - eBay
Apple eMac G4 - New & Tested / CIB (LOCAL PICKUP ONLY!!!) Get the best deals on Apple eMac Desktops and find everything you'll need to improve your home office setup at …
EMac - 百度百科
与传统PC最大的不同之处来自于eMac的硬件架构,在所有eMac系列电脑中均采用了 苹果 、 IBM 、 摩托罗拉 三大巨头联合开发的PowerPC G4 处理器,而完全不同于大家平常所听说的 Intel 、 AMD处理器 ,他们间的架构也大不相同,其具备独创的“极速引擎”技术,能够 ...
Apple eMac PowerPC G4 Desktop for sale - eBay
Get the best deals on Apple eMac PowerPC G4 Desktop and find everything you'll need to improve your home office setup at eBay.com. Fast & Free shipping on many items!
迟到十年的"评测" 苹果iMac G4实机体验 - ZOL
2014年2月10日 · iMac G4,一款2003年出产的苹果 iMac一体电脑,它与G3相比,可以说是划时代的一款产品,因为它的很多理念,都为后来的 一体电脑 行业奠定了基础,而十年后笔者再次上手体验这款产品的时候,它也带给了我们出乎预料的惊喜。 十年前的电脑什么样? 如果以今天的眼光来审视的话,我想大多数人会给它们冠上呆板、厚重、土气等形容词,也正是因为这样, 苹果iMac G4在那个年代里,可以说是设计非常出色的一款产品,在千篇一律的黑色、银色厚笨机器 …
eMac Repair Help: Learn How to Fix It Yourself.
The eMac was an all-in-one G4-based Mac designed for the education market and released in April 2002. It was the last Mac to use a CRT display and was sold at a low price to schools and other institutions. How dangerous is it to work on a CRT display? What RAM does an eMac take? Can I replace my CD/DVD drive?
- [PDF]
eMac - Apple
Apple’s most affordable desktop computer now features increased processing power, a faster CD- and DVD-burning SuperDrive,1 and Apple’s innovative iLife applications. All this in an amazingly compact desktop system – eMac has everything you …