The future electron-ion collider (EIC) − aims − at an electron-proton luminosity of 1033to 1034cm 2sec 1 and a center-of-mass energy range from 20 to 140 GeV. The eRHIC design has been …
Luminosity - EIC - Brookhaven National Laboratory
2016年11月29日 · High-precisision measurements at an EIC will require a sufficiently large beam luminosity. This page contains information concerning the achievable luminosity of eRHIC …
Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) - Brookhaven National Laboratory
The EIC will be a particle accelerator that collides electrons with protons and nuclei to produce snapshots of those particles’ internal structure—like a CT scanner for atoms. The electron …
In this paper, we describe a future electron-ion collider (EIC), based on the existing Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) hadron facility, with two intersecting superconducting rings, each …
Brookhaven National Laboratory is proposing eRHIC, an electron-ion collider based on the existing RHIC facility. RHIC consists of two superconducting storage rings (“Blue” and …
EIC - Brookhaven National Laboratory
Looking for the EIC User Group (eicug) Wiki? Click here: https://wiki.bnl.gov/eicug/ These pages are undergoing cleanup, update and tagging procedures. If you have questions and/or …
Home of eRHIC: the Electron-Ion-Collider at BNL
2007年10月26日 · A high luminosity polarized e-p/He and unpolarized e-A collider to study the hyperfine structure of the nucleon including (spin and flavor) and to explore nuclear matter at …
eRHIC: Colliding Electrons with Ions at RHIC | BNL Newsroom
2012年6月12日 · eRHIC would be the world's first electron-nucleus collider. It would have the flexibility to change the nuclear ion species as well as the beam energies — both crucial for …
High-performance hadron collider (the only one in the U.S.) with a superb record of scientific results, transformative discoveries, S&T innovations. Established portfolio of accelerator …
Here we discuss the performance issues and design choices for electron-ion collisions that are diferent from the electron-proton collisions and from the present RHIC ion-ion col-lisions.