ebXML - Wikipedia
Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup Language, commonly known as e-business XML, or ebXML (pronounced ee-bee-ex-em-el, [i'bi,eks,em'el]) as it is typically referred to, is a family of XML based standards sponsored by OASIS and UN/CEFACT whose mission is to provide an open, XML-based infrastructure that enables the global use of ...
ebXML - Enabling A Global Electronic Market
IHEOS - Secure cross-enterprise document exchange (XDS) using ebXML Registry. HKSAR Government Collects Infectious Disease Information with XML and Hermes. Open Source ebXML Software, Hermes 1.0 and ebMail 1.2, Released and Used by HKSAR Government. eBusinessReady Certifies Six Software Products for ebXML Interoperability Testing
电子商务扩展标记语言 - 百度百科
电子商务扩展标记语言(E-Business extension markup language,ebXML)是由联合国促进贸易和电子商务中心UN/CEFACT和组织结构化信息发展组织OASIS共同倡导的一个全球性电子商务标准。
ebXML - Quick Guide - Online Tutorials Library
ebXML is a set of specifications that enable a modular framework. ebXML relies on the Internet's existing standards such as HTTP, TCP/IP, MIME, SMTP, FTP, UML, and XML. ebXML can be implemented and deployed on virtually any computing platform. ebXML provides concrete specifications to enable dynamic B2B collaborations. ebXML Vision
ebXML 教程
ebXML 代表电子商务 XML。 它是一套模块化规范,使任何规模的企业都能够通过互联网开展业务。 本简短教程涵盖了 ebXML 的基本架构以及它如何为业务交换提供一致的业务语义和标准的技术基础架构。
What is ebXML (Electronic Business XML)? - TechTarget
EbXML (Electronic Business XML or e-business XML) is a project to use the Extensible Markup Language to standardize the secure exchange of business data. EbXML was last updated in 2007 and is currently in version 3.0. Among other purposes, ebXML replaces a familiar standard called Electronic Data Interchange . However, it is not restrictive.
ebXML - Enabling A Global Electronic Market
ebXML (Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup Language), is a modular suite of specifications that enables enterprises of any size and in any geographical location to conduct business over the Internet.
ebXML-电子商务全球化标准 - 百度百科
读者可以从中深入浅出地逐步掌握ebXML的核心要点,了解它的体系结构和基本的实现技术。 本书最突出的特点是提供了大量与ebXML有关的技术资料和规范的信息,可以帮助初学者全面、准确地学习ebXML的基础知识,不失为一本电子商务的百科全书。
ebXML - Enabling A Global Electronic Market
There are four categories of ebXML deliverables: Technical Specifications; Technical Reports; Reference Materials; White Papers; Note: the PDF versions of these documents are the normative versions. Non-normative versions, formatted for printing, are available for each of the documents by clicking in the right-hand column.
EBXML | Online Community for Electronic Business Using XML (ebXML …
This is the official community gathering place and information resource for ebXML, the modular suite of standards advanced by OASIS and UNCEFACT and approved as ISO 15000. ebXML enables enterprises of any size and in any geographical location …