Great Rift Valley - Wikipedia
The Great Rift Valley (Swahili: Bonde la ufa) is a series of contiguous geographic depressions, approximately 6,000 or 7,000 kilometres (4,300 mi) in total length, the definition varying between sources, that runs from the southern Turkish Hatay Province in Asia, through the Red Sea, to Mozambique in Southeast Africa. [1][2] While the name remai...
東非大裂谷 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
東非大裂谷(Great Rift Valley),位於非洲東部,是一個在3500萬年前由非洲板塊的地殼運動所形成的地理奇觀,縱貫東非的大裂谷是世界上最大的斷裂帶,属于生长边界。
东非大裂谷 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
东非大裂谷(Great Rift Valley),位于非洲东部,是一个在3500万年前由非洲板块的地壳运动所形成的地理奇观,纵贯东非的大裂谷是世界上最大的断裂带,属于生长边界。
Rift valley - Wikipedia
A rift valley is a linear shaped lowland between several highlands or mountain ranges produced by the action of a geologic rift. Rifts are formed as a result of the pulling apart of the lithosphere due to extensional tectonics .
Rift Valley - National Geographic Society
2024年1月4日 · A rift valley is a lowland region that forms where Earth’s tectonic plates move apart, or rift. This rift valley in Iceland stretches along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates are pulling apart from each other.
Rift Valleys: Formation, Pictures, and Examples – Geology In
Rift valley is a long, narrow depression in the Earth's crust. They are formed by tectonic plates pulling away from each other, a process called rifting. The resulting valley is typically bordered by steep escarpments and can be the site of volcanic activity and earthquakes.
Great Rift Valley - New World Encyclopedia
The Great Rift Valley is a geographical and geological feature running north to south for around 4,000 miles (6,400 kilometers), from northern Syria to central Mozambique in East Africa. Astronauts say it is the most significant physical detail on the planet that is visible from space.
板塊裂谷 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
板塊裂谷 (英語: rift valley)是 岩石圈 被拉开而形成的线性伸展构造,通常位於分離板塊邊緣 [1][2]。 典型的裂谷特征是兩測有断陷的洼地,類似 地堑 [3]。 地堑與板塊裂谷不同之處在於規模大小和深度。 前者小而淺,只限於地殼上部,而板塊裂谷大而深可達到岩石圈,其轴线区可能包含火山岩,板塊裂谷是板塊分離前的構造運動。 板塊裂谷可處於陸上例如東非裂谷及紅海裂谷,或海底例如洋脊裂谷。 在裂谷开始形成时,岩石圈上部开始形成一序列不相连的正断层,造成孤立 …
East Africa's Great Rift Valley: A Complex Rift System - Geology.com
The East African Rift System is a complicated system of rift segments which provide a modern analog to help us understand how continents break apart.
裂谷省 - 百度百科
裂谷省(英文:Rift Valley Province)是 肯尼亚 8个省之一,首府 纳库鲁 (英文:Nakuru)。 与 南苏丹 、 乌干达 接壤。 该省分为36个县。 裂谷热病毒 由此省命名。 裂谷省 是肯尼亚8个省之一,首府 纳库鲁,省内既有那库鲁湖一样的湖光山色,也有狂野的野生动物园,既可以在自然山水中放松身心,也可以坐上越野车与狮子老虎一同奔跑,感受真正的非洲野性。 同时,还可以在这里享受非洲特色的各种肉食, 裂谷省(英文:Rift Valley Province)是肯尼亚8个省之一,首府纳 …
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