windows - what's in a .exe file? - Stack Overflow
The exe file is read into that process's memory. Different sections of the .exe (code, data, etc.) are mapped in separately and given different permissions (code is execute, data is read/write, constants are read-only). Relocations occur in the .exe (addresses get patched if the .exe was not loaded at its preferred address.)
Difference between .com, .exe, and .bat? - Stack Overflow
2014年6月6日 · Actually, .com and .exe are both binary executable files, whereas .bat is basically a batch file. Now suppose you have got many files with the same name, but different extensions. For instance, a.com, a.exe and if you are running through the command prompt file a. It will first execute a.com (only if it exists), else it will run a.exe.
Fully understanding how .exe file is executed - Stack Overflow
2020年4月15日 · The format describes what the individual bytes in an .exe file mean. The beginning is a DOS programm (included for legacy reasons) that I will not worry about. Then comes a bunch of headers, which give information about the executable. The actual file contents are split into sections that have names, such as '.rdata'.
I've downloaded an .exe file but it closes quickly as it opens
2014年8月30日 · If you saved the file to c:\downloads and it's called myFile.exe, type. C: cd C:\Downloads myFile.exe Some of the steps are a bit redundant - if you know what you're doing in the command prompt then skip as needed (but then you probably wouldn't be posting this question). This will work even if you saved the file to D:\downloads.
CMD what does /im (taskkill)? - Stack Overflow
Killing taskmgr with /T will not kill anything else unless you used TM's File > New Task option to run something. /T on explorer.exe is another story! Most likely anything you launched as a user is a child of explorer.exe –
What are the benfits of a standalone Windows .exe vs an installer?
2013年1月7日 · If your app can exist as a single .exe file that can be run from anywhere in the file system, then that would be a much simpler and cleaner solution for a lot of people. Keep in mind though, that less technical users might expect an installer and won't understand that there are no links in the start menu.
2020年12月18日 · Inno Setup installer has two processes. The primary process is a hidden one. It extracts the actual child installer to a temporary folder and executes it (elevating it to Administrator privileges if needed).
cmd works but C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe does not
2014年4月29日 · (I know I can directly invoke the exe but let's just say I have no other way to do this due to some restriction) "cmd /C" "C:\\Program Files\ABC\xyz.exe" -register="abc" itself It is successfully run. /C is parameter to cmd.exe. But when I do this "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C" "C:\\Program Files\ABC\xyz.exe" -register="abc" Gives me error
windows - Difference between .dll and .exe? - Stack Overflow
2009年7月31日 · EXE. An exe always runs in its own address space i.e., It is a separate process. The purpose of an EXE is to launch a separate application of its own. DLL. A dll always needs a host exe to run. i.e., it can never run in its own address space. The purpose of a DLL is to have a collection of methods/classes which can be re-used from some other ...
What's the difference between an EXE and a MSI installer?
2010年10月7日 · Legacy Setup.exe Installer: Note that an EXE file can also be a non-MSI installer In other words an old-style installer not based on the Microsoft MSI format (which is a MS-SQL database stored in an office-style binary file), but rather an installation script of various formats such as Wise Script, Installscript, Inno Setup, NSIS, etc...