F4 (band) - Wikipedia
F4 (Flower Four) or JVKV was a Taiwanese boy band consisting of Jerry Yan, Vanness Wu, Ken Chu, and Vic Chou. The group F4 was formed in 2001 after the Taiwanese drama Meteor Garden that they starred in was widely successful.
F4 (男子组合) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年3月3日 · “ F4 ”原本是1992年日本漫画家 神尾叶子在长篇漫画《花样男子》中创造出来的四位漫画角色,是“Flower 4”的缩写,漫画中的F4正是青春俊美,叱咤风云的富家子弟。
F4 (男子組合) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
f4是一個台灣 男子組合,成員為言承旭、吳建豪、朱孝天、周渝民 [1] 。 因出演2001年台湾电视剧《 流星花園 》而組成的偶像團體,2009年團體解散。 [ 2 ]
F4 - 流星雨 - YouTube
Music video by F4 performing Liu Xing Yu (The Meteor Rain). (C) 2001 Sony Music Entertainment (Taiwan) Ltd.
Iconic Taiwanese Boyband F4 Makes An Unconventional Reunion - Forbes
2020年10月31日 · When the slated reunion of Taiwanese pop group F4 on China’s Jiangsu TV’s “1001 Night Festival” broadcast was announced earlier this week, there was a palpable wave of excitement among ...
F4 (band) - Boys Over Flowers Wiki
F4, also known as JVKV, was an idol group from Taiwan. The band was made up of Jerry Yan, Vanness Wu, Ken Chu, and Vic Chou, who starred as the eponymous F4 in Meteor Garden (2001). F4 released three albums, before ultimately disbanding in 2008. The group has reunited twice in 2013 and 2020.
F4 - 歌手 - 网易云音乐
f4,是一个在全球华人地区极具知名度的亚洲男子团体,引领着一个潮流文化时代的先驱者,是“华流”的领军人物。 成员包括台湾的言承旭、朱孝天、周渝民和美藉华人吴建豪。
Taiwanese boyband F4 are back for a reunion show
2020年10月30日 · Almost two decades ago, Jerry Yan, Vaness Wu, Ken Chu, and Vic Chou starred in the iconic drama series, Meteor Garden, which led to the birth of the Taiwanese boy band, F4. In 2020, the quartet is making their return via Jiangsu TV’s 1001 Night Festival, set to take place today, 30 October, 8 pm (SG/PH/MY Standard Time).
F4 Is Reuniting On Oct 30 And Fans Are Saying 2 Of Its Members …
2020年10月29日 · Can you believe it's been 19 years since Meteor Garden? Way before BTS or TFBoys or Fahrenheit, there was one group that captured the hearts of fan girls and fan boys around the world. And that's...