红白机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
FC遊戲機,是任天堂生产、发行和销售的8位元 第三世代 家用游戏机日本版,官方名称为家庭電腦 (日版名: ファミリーコンピュータ,Family Computer ,Famicom) ,俗稱「紅白機」,1983年7月15日在日本推出;欧美版名称为任天堂娛樂系統 (英文版名: Nintendo ...
FC游戏机 ,是 任天堂 生产、发行和销售的8位第三世代 家用游戏机 ,日本版官方名称为 家庭电脑 (日版名:ファミリーコンピュータ,Family Computer, Famicom ),俗称“ 红白机 ”,1983年7月15日在日本推出;欧美版名称为 任天堂娱乐系统 (英文版名:Nintendo ...
Family Computer - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
Family Computer (日语: ファミリーコンピュータ,简称 Famicom 或 FC,华语地区常称“ 红白机 ”)或 Nintendo Entertainment System (欧美版本之名,简称 NES)是 任天堂 推出的第三世代家用游戏机,最早于1983年7月15日在日本发售。 开发代号为“GameCom”。 1981年,任天堂开始研发卡带型游戏机,原计划采用当时更先进的16位CPU,但被时任社长 山内溥 以价格原因拒绝。 1983年7月15日,FC正式在日本发售,售价为14,800日元。 之后任天堂拉拢 哈德森 、 南梦 …
Home to 1,679 pages about the Family Computer (or Famicom for short) and Super Famicom plus everything else in between. New to the wiki? Interested in researching? Register an account and read up on our policies and guidelines for FamiWiki. Get involved in our community by joining our Discord server! ファミウィキ現在は英語のみです。
Family Computer Network System - Wikipedia
The Family Computer Network System (Japanese: ファミリーコンピュータ ネットワークシステム, Hepburn: Famirī Konpyūta Nettowāku Shisutemu), also known as the Famicom Net System and Famicom Modem, is a peripheral for Nintendo's Family …
System - Famicom World
Nintendo released the brilliant white and red Family Computer, or Famicom for short, in Japan in July 1983, after the failure of Atari in the early ’80s. Up until the 1980s, children were playing classics such as Donkey Kong in the arcades and on Atari consoles, but wanted something new and more diverse.
Family Computer - FamiWiki
The Family Computer (ファミリーコンピュータ), commonly abbreviated as Famicom (ファミコン), is an 8-bit video game home console manufactured and distributed by Nintendo. The console first released in Japan on July 15, 1983 and retailed for ¥14800. The console would later release in Taiwan in 1987 and in Hong Kong in 1991.
Famicom | Famicom Wiki | Fandom
The Famicom (short for "Family Computer") is a home video game system released by Nintendo in 1983. A basic round-buttoned Famicom. Square-buttoned. The square-buttoned Famicom was the first (or possibly second) Famicom, released in July 1983. It had rubber square buttons as opposed to the round ones in the newer Famicom.
Famicom - NESdev Wiki
2024年2月25日 · The Family Computer (HVC-001: Famicom, FC for short) is a video game console made by Nintendo and sold in Japan starting in 1983. The Nintendo Entertainment System, which Nintendo sold outside Japan a couple years later, is nearly identical in behavior with a few changes in the cords, controllers, and system look.
Famicom (FC)-好玩客 - haowank.com
Famicom (FC) 共49篇 FC游戏机,是任天堂生产、发行和销售的8位元第三世代家用游戏机日本版,官方名称为家庭电脑(日版名:ファミリーコンピュータ,Family Computer,Famicom),俗称“红白机”,1983年7月15日在日本推出;专指日本版主机,即Famicom,因其外观颜色 ...
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