Fimfiction - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction - Fimfiction
There's a new Alicorn in Equestria, and he's a colt! A young sorcerer from an Earth where magic is feared finds himself in a world that would welcome him.
Fimfiction - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction - Fimfiction
With no grand destiny or pressures, she just wants to live in peace… until she discovers her talent for illusions. Will she remain lazy, or will she become the "Loki" of Equestria? The Mane Six …
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Don't have a Fimfiction account? No problem! Registering gives you a whole slew of benefits: Post your own stories on the site; Favourite stories to track their progress; Add stories to your read it later list to make sure you don't miss anything; Follow authors to see the new stories they post; Join groups to talk to like-minded members
主页 - FimTale
一颗人类探测器着陆在一个完美的宜居世界,但本地智慧物种小马早已栖息于此,因此在人工智能的命令下,外星语言学家詹姆斯被培养出来,担负着翻译本地语言的重任进入小马社会,而她 …
FimFiction官方征文比赛:稀有组合 - FimTale
地址:https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/947464/may-2021-pairing-contest. 大家一定在同人作品中见过不少搭档、同伴、情侣之间的故事,而这次征文比赛就是以正剧甚至同人中没出现过的角色组合来编故事。
Platform / Fimfiction.net - TV Tropes
Fimfiction.net (also known as FIMFiction.net) is a Web site dedicated to hosting Fan Fiction based on My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. It's also a community gathering place for fans of Friendship is Magic. The site began operating in July 2011. It was created by knighty, who remains its lead developer. Additional staff can be found here.
FimFiction - FimTale
#FimFiction##大结局# 在FimFiction里一个专门改写S8和S9的一个组群突然开始讨论剧集,从S8到S9每一集都开了一个帖子讨论一遍。 然后到了大结局,我又忍不住上去发言了。
FimTale - 钟期既遇:中文马圈自己的同人图文创作平台
2018年10月21日 · FimTale是目前国内首家专门发布小马原创和翻译同人图文作品的平台。 网址: https://fimtale.com/ 2024年9月更新的备用地址: https://fimtale.net/ 用户交流QQ群: 938048195. 杨意不逢,抚凌云而自惜;钟期既遇,奏流水以何惭? 也许,屏幕前的你,和千千万万热爱创作的马迷一样,是一位小说作者,让自己的作品被更多人读到也是你的夙愿。 你选择把文章发表到贴吧。 当你点下发帖键,一连串的噩梦就开始了:无故被系统删帖、无法修改标题和内容、短篇 …
FimFiction上的Writing Guide - FimTale
FimFiction上的Writing Guide . 原文链接: https://www.fimfiction.net/writing-guide#Fanfiction. 如需转载,请与本作的原作者与译者联系。
FIMFiction | My Little Pony Fan Labor Wiki | Fandom
Fimfiction, sometimes stylized as FIMFiction, is an online repository for fan fiction inspired by My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. A beta version was first made public on July 10, 2011.[1] Upon reaching its 2 year anniversary, the site has accumulated (approximately) 50,532 stories, 94,729...