Fire Mages... How do you do it? : r/wow - Reddit
2023年2月22日 · I would advise to watching some videos of "Hopefulx" on YouTube (yt name is hopeful, character ishopeful. He is the fire mage 100 parsing and pulling insane numbers in …
Should a Fire Mage stack 100 Corruption at 10-man heroic Chogall?
2011年5月10日 · and go to buffed gained this player (also #1 10H chogall fire mage parse) received 26 Power word shields, 3 Hand of Sacrifice, 1 Mana shield, 1 Mage Ward, 3 Divine …
Fire Mage keybinds : r/wow - Reddit
2021年1月4日 · Looking for some good keybinds for fire mage. Have been a clicker for years and finally turning the page. so basically i have my Fireball ( key 1 ) PyroBlast ( key 2 ) and …
Fire or Arcane Mage as DPS : r/classicwow - Reddit
Fire will do a bit more dps right now, but is weirdly harder on mana conservation and even more gear dependent. Play whichever you're more comfortable with. Content is so damn easy …
Fire mage build : r/albiononline - Reddit
2024年5月6日 · Standard build is: 1h fire staff (or wildfire), hunter hood with reflect, cleric robe, tome of spells, boot of choice (I play soldier for more mobility). Most of damage come from …
Looking for tips and advices for playing fire mage : r/wownoob
One major issue you're going to have is fire mage just honestly sucks at low key levels and is an extremely punishing spec to get wrong. The big thing with fire mage is it needs time for it's …
Fire Mages Where You At? : r/wowhardcore - Reddit
When I was progressing through Naxx as a fire mage my guild would speed clear MC, BWL and AQ40 on off days. All the mages would be remain fire and top dps on many encounters in MC …
Fire Mage Common Issues to Low PvE DPS - MMO-Champion
2016年10月22日 · Purpose of this thread is to summarize, with experience, the things I've learned from Fire Mage this expansion. I've given out a lot of tips and just helped another mage …
Fire mage in ESO? : r/elderscrollsonline - Reddit
Same here. I loved playing Dunmer fire mage in Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. I created the same type of character in ESO as a Dunmer Dragonknight using destruction staves. So much …
Arcane VS fire in cataclysm - MMO-Champion
2010年12月12日 · Fire reigns the mage specs and arcane tends to be on the last place while frost is the middle spec. Logs are from Simcraft posted by Lhivera on EJ. Last edited by takolin; …