Email: [email protected] Address: Rua Alfredo Allen, 208 4200-135 Porto, Portugal ...
Laboratories and Research Centers - Neuromod
Laboratoire d'Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia Antipolis (I3S) logo i3s The I3S laboratory is one of the most important research laboratories of the Côte d'Azur in the field of information and communication sciences, and was one of …
Laboratoire d’Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia Antipolis (I3S)
En partenariat avec le CNRS et Inria, et par de très nombreuses collaborations industrielles, nous travaillons sur des thématiques de recherche innovantes, à la pointe de la science et de la technologie : systèmes et réseaux ubiquitaires, biologie et santé numériques, modélisation pour l’environnement, interactions et usages.
i3S | About Us - UP
The mission of i3S is quite straightforward, but by no means simple: to integrate complementary competences to become a leading international player in health and life sciences and technology. This goes hand-in-hand with the vision we set for ourselves to become a major European player in health sciences and technologies.
i3S - Laboratoire d'Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia …
Le laboratoire i3S, créé en 1989, est issu de la fusion de deux laboratoires, le LASSY et le LISAN, et fédère les recherches en sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication.
I3S | LogoMoose - Logo Inspiration
Logo of High Institute of health sciences. Designer: Outal; Submitted: 06/29/2013 • Featured: 07/18/2013; Stats: This logo design has 8108 views and is 0 times added to someone's favorites. It has 4 votes with an average of 3.50 out of 5. green; health; institute; Outal
i3S | Research Groups
i3S brings together groups and researchers from several institutions, namely FMUP, ICBAS, FCUP, FMDUP, FFUP, and FEUP. Since late 2015, a growing number of scientists has been sharing their knowledge and resources under the same roof, in a building strategically located at the Asprela Campus of UPorto.
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Hero i3s logo 图标 下载 12469 Hero i3s logo 图标 自由 偶像的所有人和所有找到的标志你必须拯救你的最爱和下载的免费!
i3S - cienciaetal
O i3S centra-se na investigação em saúde pelo que a interação com hospitais e centros clínicos é fundamental para fazer a ponte entre a investigação de laboratório e a prática clínica. Promovemos a integração de profissionais de saúde, como médicos, no contexto de investigação e incentivamos a interação dos nossos ...
Collaborations - Université Côte d'Azur
logo i3s : I3S Laboratory The I3S laboratory is one of the most important research laboratories of the Côte d'Azur in the field of information and communication sciences, and was one of the first installed on the Sophia Antipolis technology site.