IADS and SEAD discussion | Page 2 | Defence Forum & Military …
2021年3月26日 · Army “X” has a requirement for a turret mounted gun to deal almost exclusively with the low to medium level UAS threat; whether ‘micro’ one’s detected at the last minute at close ranges flying at tree top level or slightly larger ones flying higher at slightly longer distances.
DefenceTalk | Defense News Military Forum Pictures
Defence Talk features world defense , aerospace, security, war, military, aviation and armed forces news, forum and military photos
North Korean IADS | Defence Forum & Military Photos - DefenceTalk
2010年11月25日 · Korean People's Army Air Force - North Korea Seems to suggest that the air force is in poor shape with a very centralised command and control system, low air time for pilots and poor availability of fuel etc.
IADS and SEAD discussion | Defence Forum & Military Photos
2021年3月26日 · An IADS puts all anti-aircraft sensors, all anti-aircraft weapons under under a common system of Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I), which is often connected by a fibre optic network (to enable the C4I system to perform its assigned mission reliably, even under threat of enemy interference using soft or hard kill ...
Australian Army Discussions and Updates | Page 543 | Defence …
2006年11月24日 · The mobile enhanced NASAMS system will be integrated with the infra-red AIM-9X and radar-guided AMRAAM missiles. Projects AIR 6500 and AIR 6503 are intended to provide other layers of the IADS, including defences against ballistic missiles and manoeuvring hypersonic missiles.
Australian Army Discussions and Updates | Page 570 | Defence …
2006年11月24日 · Is there a place for light infantry? Apparently we are to have light infantry out of Darwin, motorised in Brisbane and Mechanised with the new IFV’s in Townsville. In this day and age I can understand the last two as they are mounted and mobile. I can understand special forces, air mobile or...
Australian Army Discussions and Updates | Page 577 | Defence …
2006年11月24日 · Army is also investigating integrating this system on a robotic unmanned ground vehicle, of unknown make. Army needs a mobile fire support system that can operate regardless of season, weather or terrain that provide BLOS fires, area suppression, night fighting and obscurant effects.
Australian Army Discussions and Updates | Page 579 | Defence …
2006年11月24日 · In the case of the army, the mass of it is to be concentrated in far northern regional locations (plus Brisbane) where there are limited partner employment opportunities, the work (including training) is arduous and dangerous, and all the roles require years of training and include many skills that are in demand in the private sector.
Integrated Air Defence Systems (IADS)
2011年4月1日 · IADS, or integrated air defence systems, is essentially a series/set of independent platforms/subsystems, which when working together are tasked with providing air defence over a (generally large) area.
Integrated Air Defence System (IADS) Discussion thread
2019年10月29日 · Placeholder post for a discussion thread on IADS including GBAD-centric and aerial-centric IADS. I will fill in some content when I am not about to become horizontal...