2008年11月5日 · MGCP:全称Media Gateway Control protocol,媒体 网关 控制协议. 是用于物理分开的多媒体网关单元控制的协议,能把呼叫控制从媒体转换中分离出来, Megaco/H.248 说明了媒体网关(MG)和媒介网关控制器之间的联系。 媒体网关用于转换电路交换语音到基于包的通信流量,而媒介网关控制器用于规定这种流量的服务逻辑。 Megaco/H.248 通知 MG 将来自于数据包或单元数据网络之外的数据流连接到数据包或单元数据流上,如实时传输协议(RTP)。 从 …
MGCP协议简介与典型呼叫流程 - 百度文库
IETF制定的MGCP协议是一个分布式IP电话网关系统的内部协议,用于控制来自外部呼叫控制单元的IP语音(VoIP)网关。 从本质上说MGCP是一个主/从协议,网关需要执行媒体网关控制器发出的命令。
2006年12月12日 · MGCP协议是SGCP(简单网关控制协议)和IPDC(Internet Protocol Device Control)的结合产物。 当IETF成立MEGAGO工作组后,两者合并为MGCP。 MGCP采取主从 ( Master-Slave )方式的架构,如图1 所示,在MGCP 的架构里,主要组成部分包含一个呼叫代理Call Agent ( CA ) 和多个媒体网关Media Gateway ( MG )。 CA也被称为MGC ( Media Gateway Control;MGC )。 CA 具有管理所有的MG信令处理和呼叫处理的功能,指导网关在端点之间建 …
Media Gateway Control Protocol - Wikipedia
The Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) is a telecommunication protocol for signaling and call control in hybrid voice over IP (VoIP) and traditional telecommunication systems. It implements the media gateway control protocol architecture for controlling media gateways connected to the public switched telephone network (PSTN). [1] .
配置MGCP网关并对其进行故障排除 - Cisco
MGCP是呼叫代理/终端协议,其中终端由某种类型的呼叫代理控制。 整个控制情报由呼叫代理控制,呼叫代理会指示终端在检测到事件后执行什么操作。
IADS provides programmatic extension to the core system using several techniques. Within the IADS Client, plug-ins can be written using Microsoft COM technology, including new displays, additions to the derived computational engine and custom data export extensions. The IADS Client also extends an automation interface for easy scripting.
MGCP Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T
2012年12月4日 · This section provides information on configuring the MGCP Gateway Support for the mgcp bind command feature. Feature benefits include the following: Media gateway controller-to-media gateway ( MGC-to-MG) signaling and identification
MGCP Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15M&T
2012年12月4日 · This chapter provides configuration information on configuring the MGCP 1.0 Including Network-based Call Signaling (NCS) 1.0 and Trunking Gateway Control Protocol (TGCP) 1.0 Profiles feature. The feature implements MGCP 1.0, NCS 1.0, and TGCP 1.0 support in existing MGCP stacks. Feature benefits include the following:
Understanding MGCP Gateway Fallback Process - Cisco Community
2019年3月12日 · MGCP Gateway fallback is a feature that improves the reliability of MGCP remote site networks. A WAN link connects the MGCP gateway at a remote site to the Cisco Communications Manager at a main site, which is the MGCP call agent.
No mgcp/mgcp - Cisco Community
2013年12月12日 · I have a 2811 at another location where they are getting fast busy signals. in the past our engineer would enter a no mgcp/mgcp command to reset the gateway or something and it would correct the problem. he left the company and left …