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The i-Grid is an innovative, web-based distributed power quality and reliability monitoring and notification system.
Smart Solutions for Smart Grids | iGrid T&D
2024年11月13日 · Find the latest news about iGrid T&D, smart grids, and substation automation iGrid Innovates with Native ICCP/TASE.2 Integration in RTUs and Gateways: Secure and Scalable Solutions for the Energy Market
iControl – SCADA for Substations, Power Plants and MV Grids | iGrid T&D
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are fundamental for the automation and local/remote control of generation plants and substations. iControl SCADA software is adaptable to any application requirements, from small substations and power plants to full medium voltage grids, always working in the s...
iRTU – Advanced All-in-One Controller for Electrical Grids | iGrid T&D
Our secure and scalable RTUs can simultaneously handle older (e.g. Modbus) and newer (e.g. IEC 61850) protocols on serial, wireless and Ethernet networks — making substation automation less complex and more affordable.
COMPANY - 会社情報 | 株式会社アイ・グリッド・ソリューショ …
グリーンエネルギーの循環で、地域の魅力を活性化させる「GX CITY®」構想. TECHNOLOGY. アイ・グリッドのテクノロジー. R.E.A.L. New Energy Platform® とは. R.E.A.L. New Energy Platform® の操作.
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The i-Grid is an innovative, web-based distributed power quality and reliability monitoring and notification system.
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The i-Grid is an innovative, web-based distributed power quality and reliability monitoring and notification system.
友環公司-10Tec iGrid.NET Control 網格控件開發整合工具
iGrid.NET 是 Windows Forms 平台的多功能 WinForms 網格控件,屬於 Microsoft .NET Framework的一部分。 軟體開發人員使用 iGrid for WinForms 構建可調整的表格介面。 iGrid.NET 功能多元豐富又快速,是WinForms .NET 最佳未綁定網格組件 unbound grid component。 此 WinForms 軟體組件奠基於 iGrid ActiveX 網格控制的成功,且大幅增強了最初原版功能。 10Tec WinForms 網格從頭開始重寫,開發使用在新的.NET 平台的功能: