Ygritte | Wiki of Westeros | Fandom
Ygritte was a quick-witted and courageous young spear wife. She had red hair and displayed great skill as an archer. Living north of the Wall, she was well skilled in survival and was staunchly loyal to the cause of Mance Rayder.
Ygritte | Game of Thrones Wiki | Fandom
Ygritte (im Original: Ygritte) ist ein Nebencharakter der zweiten und ein Hauptcharakter der dritten und vierten Staffel von Game of Thrones. Die von Rose Leslie verkörperte Ygritte ist ein Mitglied des freien Volkes, von den Westerosi auch Wildlinge genannt, und debütiert in der Episode " Alte und neue Götter ".
Rose Leslie - Wikipedia
Rose Eleanor Arbuthnot-Leslie[a][1] (born 9 February 1987) [1] is a Scottish actress. She portrayed Gwen Dawson in the ITV drama series Downton Abbey and Ygritte in the HBO fantasy series Game of Thrones.
Ygritte - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Ygritte is a spearwife of the free folk. She is a member of Rattleshirt 's war band. [2] In the television adaptation Game of Thrones, Ygritte is portrayed by Rose Leslie. Ygritte has a round face, crooked white teeth, small hands, and a pug nose. [3] . She has pretty blue-grey eyes which Jon Snow thinks are too far apart. [4] .
Rose Leslie - IMDb
Rose Leslie is a Scottish actress. Her leading on screen debut was at age 21 in the television film New Town (2009). She is famous for playing Ygritte in the HBO fantasy series Game of Thrones (2011). Leslie also appeared in the films Now Is Good (2012) and The Last Witch Hunter (2015).
Ygrid | Wiki Game of Thrones | Fandom
Ygrid est un personnage récurrent de la deuxième saison puis un personnage principal des troisième et quatrième saisons de Game of Thrones. Elle fait ses débuts dans l'épisode " Les Anciens et les Nouveaux Dieux " et elle est interprétée par Rose Leslie. Ygrid est une jeune fille née au-delà du Mur, faisant ainsi partie du Peuple libre.
Rose Leslie – Wikipedia
Rose Eleanor Arbuthnot-Leslie (* 9. Februar 1987 in Aberdeen, Schottland) ist eine britische Schauspielerin. Rose Leslie wurde im schottischen Aberdeen geboren und besuchte die Millfield School im englischen Somerset.
Ygritte | Hielo y Fuego Wiki | Fandom
Ygritte fue una mujer del acero salvaje. Ygritte es descrita como una chica de rostro redondo, nariz respingona y manos pequeñas, dientes muy blancos y torcidos, pelo rojo y ojos de color gris azulado. Los salvajes consideran el cabello pelirrojo como un símbolo de buena suerte y describen a aquellos que lo tienen como "besados por el fuego". [1] .
Ygritte | Fictional Characters Wiki | Fandom
Ygritte is a fictional character from George R.R Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, and a main character in its TV adaptation, Game of Thrones. She was a wildling woman from Beyond the Wall who was a member of the Free Folk, as well as a spearwife. She eventually became the captive of Jon Snow, and later his star-crossed lover.
Game of Thrones Ygritte - Rose Leslie Thronecast Interview
2013年4月3日 · Thronecast kicks off for the third season of Game Of Thrones, what better time for Geoff to talk to Rose Leslie, aka Ygritte the Wildling, about annoying Jon Snow and life in the frozen North.