iGW – The Gateway to An Efficient Electrical Network - iGrid T&D
iGrid enforces several layers of security measures guided by the propositions of the IEC 62531 standard to protect its devices from all kinds of threats. The iGW is a hardened device featuring Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to avoid intrinsic risks such as security holes and unauthorized actions by ...
iGW-VM – Substation Automation Software for Your Device - iGrid …
iGrid enforces several layers of security measures guided by the propositions of the IEC 62531 standard to protect its devices from all kinds of threats. The iGW-VM features Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to avoid intrinsic risks such as security holes and unauthorized actions by authenticated users.
iGW series products are specialized communication units for electrical facilities that require data conversion between different protocols. Data from multiple devices (meters, protection relays, and other IEDs) may be acquired
iGW - iGrid T&D - PDF Catalogs | Technical Documentation
The iGW was designed to use a high number of protocols and communicate with several control centers at once. Additionally, the iGW carries 4 software configurable serial ports: 1 full RS-232/RS-485/RS-422 + 2 basic RS-232/RS485/RS-422 and 1 RS-422/RS-485 port (EXP422) to connect iRTUe models....
iGW series - iGrid T&D - Ethernet / 3G / GPRS - DirectIndustry
Find out all of the information about the iGrid T&D product: communication gateway iGW series. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.
通信网关 - iGW series - iGrid T&D - 以太网 / 3G 网络 / GPRS
基于 iGWS 的网络架构是开放、高效和可扩展的,因为它允许集成下一代设备(简易爆炸装置、传感器、路由器等),并适应对您的配电网络所做的任何类型的更改,为您节省大量的时间和金钱。 产品亮点 安全, 先进和适应性强的通信单元适用于所有能源环境, 从高压变电站到发电厂的 内部交换机具有 RSTP/ PRP/ 高压冗余更高的可靠性 2 以太网端口, 4 串行端口和可选的内部 4G, 3G 和 GPRS 调制解调器 从高达 24 米(高达 10,000 个标签)收集信息,使用用户定义的数学/逻辑 …
iGW-VM - iGrid T&D - PDF Catalogs - DirectIndustry
Amongst its state-of-the-art features, the iGW-VM is able to provide load shedding functionalities, high accuracy time stamping/processing (<1ms accuracy), as well as straightforward PLC programming/automation according to IEC 61131-3 via the free iConf tool.
Page 11 User Manual devices are auxiliary equipment for the iRTU and iGW units that allow to expand their acquisition and command capabilities in order to suit the requirements of each application and facility. iRTUe units are equipped with one serial port (EXP422 port) for communication with iRTU & iGW units and other iRTUe I/O modules via ...
From meter data concentration to protocol conversion, iGW can act in any kind of control or automation system, specially in generation plants or high voltage sub-stations, using any kind of communication protocol and media. Availability of a wide range of protocols including IEC60870 -5 101/102/103/104,
iGrid T&D - PDF Catalogs | Technical Documentation
The iGW is equipped with transparent TCP bridging and configurable IP routing to tunnel any serial protocol (such as Modbus) over a TCP/IP connection and facilitate the data transfer through complex IP networks. Thanks to its full iGrid protocol stack, the iGWlite can convert any standard or legacy protocol such... Open the catalog to page 2