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Providing coverage for a range of international curricula for ages 5-18, MyiMaths offers interactive lessons, “booster packs” for revision, and assignable homeworks and worksheets, along with a wealth of resources that will help you deliver your teaching in the classroom and at home to develop your students’ confidence and fluency in maths
iMaths 5 Investigations and Topics The grid below shows the 12 Investigations and the associated Topics. The following Topics do not appear in any Investigation: MG17 Coordinates in four quadrants, SP7 Segmented bar charts.
IMaths 5 Student Book : For Queensland Schools - Google Books
IMaths is a whole school numeracy program written for the Essential Learnings. The iMaths tracker books contain an assessment page for each of the iMaths topics with carefully designed...
iMaths Features - Firefly Education
The iMaths program is no longer available and has been superseded by Maths Trek. The release of the new Australian Curriculum presented a great opportunity to review our longstanding iMaths program and make something even better.
Survey your class to find the cereals that students your age like to eat. Investigate the nutritional value of at least seven cereals (including iFlakes) by examining the percentages of protein, fat, carbohydrate, sugar and fibre they contain. Based on your findings, recommend three cereals that should be served at the breakfast club.
Now that I have read through the Investigation, I am going to make a plan that should help me understand this Investigation. This Investigation might present some challenges. I may need to solve these problems in order to complete this Investigation:
Fives and fours: Which of these numbers can be divided exactly by 5, and when it is divided by 4, the remainder is 2? Answer: 416 415 405 450 1 Guess and check 6 Check for relevant or irrelevant information
• Comprehensive lesson notes, suggestions and resources are available in iMaths 5 Teacher Book. 2 How does the game of dominoes work? Look at a set of traditional domino tiles. Each of the numbers on the tiles are represented by dots. Arrange the domino tiles in a logical sequence.
Choose a suitable scale and use the grid paper to draw an accurate fl oor plan of a bedroom, then calculate the area. Chose a suitable scale. Accurately drew and labelled a detailed fl oor plan. …
iMaths Student Book 5 - Five Senses Education
Investigations: Students use maths to solve real-life problems. All content and proficiency strands covered, from Foundation to Year 6. Differentiation: Three levels of differentiation for every topic.