iMesh Data Breach – Mozilla Monitor
On September 22, 2013, iMesh was breached. Once the breach was discovered and verified, it was added to our database on July 2, 2016. Why did it take so long to report this breach? We’ll help you quickly see if your email address was exposed in this breach, and understand what to do next.
What happened in the Imesh data breach? - Twingate
The iMesh data breach, which occurred in September 2013, was reportedly carried out by a Russian hacker known as "Peace" or "Peace_of_mind." Specific details about the breach method were not disclosed, but the hacker managed to obtain a wide range of user information, including email addresses, usernames, passwords, IP addresses, and location data.
一个困扰我很久很久的ASUS AiMesh问题,终于解决了... - 电脑讨 …
2021年7月11日 · 自从家里换了3台AX68U组AiMesh之后,主路由器没问题,2台副的路由器总是没有5G,是的,完全没有,看副路由器的信号灯也是5G那个常亮不会闪烁,期间不知道怎么好过一段时间,很长一段时间,但前几天有新固件出来就特么手贱,刷了下,结果...问题又出现了...于是我就各种排查,终于,找到原因了. 在AiMesh的这个界面里,因为我的Mesh都是有线连接的,当然会选择"以太网回传模式",然后,问题就来了... 跳出个界面,是让你确认无线信号的账号和密码,因为我2.4G和5G的密码 …
咨询华硕AIMESH实际效果 - 电脑讨论(新) - Chiphell - 分享与交流 …
2024年1月1日 · 华硕的Aimesh看宣传可以实现我预想的效果,但又怕有宣传风险。 有没有朋友用过Aimesh,能否实现我想要的效果? 如果能,是否是需要一个主路由充当AC,且AP必须上联与主路由LAN端? 补充:不要推荐TP-LINK,多年前就被我永久拉黑。 我现在老房子用的TP千兆交换机不能长时间跑300m传输,我早就对这个品牌恨之入骨。 而且你的问题你也没说清楚 你家多大 宽带是多少 ... 我在新房装修上就是一套新华三的ACAP方案。 现在是做老屋网络升级,也升级 …
iMesh (2013-09-01) Cyber-Attack Hack Breach - The Cyber …
2013年9月1日 · A cyber incident occurred at iMesh, a peer-to-peer file sharing service, resulting in the theft of over 51 million user accounts. The stolen data included email addresses, hashed and salted passwords, usernames, locations, and IP addresses. The data was later sold on the dark web by a hacker known as "Peace".
Kazaa to patch 'serious' vulnerability - CNET
2003年5月27日 · Users of file sharing programs such as Kazaa and iMesh are urged to install a security patch after a serious bug was discovered in their underlying network. A security researcher recently found...
ac86u组aimesh避免掉线无速度方法分享 - 百度贴吧
组aimesh2.0使用一段时间发现一些问题,换了好几个版本的官方固件都未能解决。 1、家里的2.4g智能设备频繁更换节点,有时候aimesh主机附近的设备偏偏连接信号弱的节点。 即使重启aimesh系统,短暂恢复正常。 过一段时间2.4g设备还是存在乱连节点的问题,即使绑定节点也会经常造成设备离线。 2、在手机发生漫游时,偶尔会出现手机下行上行速度特别慢的问题。 关闭手机wifi再重新打开可以解决。 我的2.4g和5g是分开的,也经过了一些网上教程提供的设置,作用 …
Crash when reusing IMesh in mesh.begin #4634 - GitHub
2020年8月12日 · Something under the hood is getting corrupted/crashing when you re-use an IMesh in mesh.begin. Would be great to not have to destroy/create new IMesh each time, but seems not an option for now. Attached some mdmps crashes.zip
[Bug 15286] New: iMesh crashes on startup - Wine
2008年9月14日 · Thread View. j: Next unread message ; k: Previous unread message ; j a: Jump to all threads ; j l: Jump to MailingList overview
IMesh can only support one projected texture at a time #2301
2015年12月3日 · There is a bug with the IMesh object that only allows one projected texture to be rendered to it at a time unlike normal models, world brushes, or displacements, which can support multiple projected textures at once.
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