ICUBE-Q - Wikipedia
ICUBE-Q or ICUBE-QAMAR (Urdu: آئی کیوب-قمر) is a Pakistani lunar remote sensing observation nanosatellite and is one of the four international payloads of the Chang'e 6 lunar sample-return mission.
ICUBE-Q - Institute of Space Technology
ICUBE-Q weighs approximately 7 kg and carries two optical cameras to image the lunar surface. It also features essential systems for attitude control, thermal management, and deep-space communication.
iCUBE-Q Spacecraft - Nanosats Database
ICUBE-Q weighs approximately 7 kg and carries two optical cameras to image the lunar surface. It also features essential systems for attitude control, thermal management, and deep-space communication. The main mission objectives are as follows:
ICUBE Q - Gunter's Space Page
2024年5月3日 · The small ICUBE Q (ICUBE Qamar) is Pakistan's first lunar mission developed by students at the Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan. The project overall consists of three main parts: the satellite itself, the separation mechanism (including the power control box), and the mounting bracket.
中巴“友谊星”随“嫦娥”探月 “思源二号”由上海交大研制 抵达月轨后 …
2024年5月4日 · 2022年初,巴基斯坦icube-q微型月球环绕探测器合作项目启动,中国国家航天局与亚太空间合作组织(apsco)联合发布机遇公告,在嫦娥六号探月任务中提供4个10公斤载荷的搭载机遇,并从全球众多建议书中选中了icube-q微纳卫星搭载,它成为国际月球科研站亚洲 ...
巴基斯坦:揭秘搭乘中国嫦娥六号发射首次探月任务 ICUBE-Q
2024年5月6日 · 5月3日,巴基斯坦搭乘中国嫦娥六号月球探测器从中国海南发射了其首次月球任务ICUBE-Q。 此次任务标志着巴基斯坦“迈向太空的第一步”。 中国最大的火箭长征五号于北京时间下午5点27分(格林威治标准时间09:27)从中国海南省文昌航天发射中心发射升空。 中国雄心勃勃的嫦娥六号任务旨在从神秘的月球背面采集第一批样本。 如果成功,样本可能会改变我们对地球和月球以及早期太阳系历史的理解。 来自法国、意大利、巴基斯坦和欧洲航天局的科学家、外交 …
Pakistan's historic lunar mission (ICUBE-Q) launched from Hainan, …
The mission holds significance for Pakistan as it also took a Pakistan CubeSat Satellite iCube-Q, developed by IST. According to IST, CubeSats are miniature satellites typically characterized by their small size and standardized design. They are constructed in a cubic shape, consisting of modular components that adhere to specific size constraints.
Pak satellite IQube Moon to be launched today - The Nation
2024年5月3日 · ISLAMABAD - Pakistan will embark on its lunar satellite mission “IQube Moon” from China’s Hainan Space Launch Site today to journey into space for a lunar expedition. It aims to land at hidden South pole of the moon to collect dust and rock samples.
Development of CubeSat (ICUBE-Q) for Lunar Mission - Institute of …
IST organized a 4-day international workshop on "Development of CubeSat (ICUBE-Q) for Lunar Mission" from 4-7March 2024. ICUBE-Q is a CubeSat that has been designed and developed by IST in collaboration with Shanghai University SJTU. It will be launched via Chinese Chang'e6 in …