iXBRL, or Inline XBRL, is an open standard that enables a single document to provide both human-readable and structured, machine-readable data. iXBRL is used by millions of companies around the world to prepare financial statements in a format that provides the structured data that regulators and analysts require, whilst allowing preparers to ...
Inline XBRL - SEC.gov
Inline XBRL is a structured data language that allows filers to prepare a single document that is both human-readable and machine-readable, so that filers need only prepare one Inline XBRL document rather than generate an HTML document of their financial statement information or risk/return summary information and then tag a copy of the data to ...
税务局 : 利得税报税新里程 — iXBRL报税
本局在2023年4月推出自愿性利得税电子报税措施,让纳税人可以自愿以电子方式提交报税表连同符合「网页内嵌式可扩展商业报告语言」(「iXBRL」)格式的佐证文件(包括财务报表和税项计算表),随后将会分阶段推动强制性利得税电子报税,最终目标是在2030年或之前全面实施电子报税。 本局已逐步提升「香港政府一站通」内「税务易」服务 (「税务易平台」)的利得税电子报税服务的功能,为日后全面实施电子报税的工作作好准备。 提升后的电子报税服务可提供更优质 …
What is iXBRL? | Accounts tagging | Revenue & HMRC - KPMG
iXBRL, or Inline eXtensible Business Reporting Language, is an open standard that enables a single document to provide both human-readable and structured, machine-readable data. It was developed to communicate information between businesses and other users of financial information, such as regulators, investors, analysts etc.
上市公司財報明年採iXBRL 更方便閱讀 - Yahoo奇摩新聞
2018年11月6日 · 【記者謝政儒綜合報導】臺灣證券交易所今 (6)日表示,Inline XBRL (簡稱iXBRL)為XBRL最新之技術,目前國際間採用iXBRL已蔚為趨勢,此一新的格式,因同時存在HTML(網際網路的語言)標籤及XBRL標籤,故可直接以IE (Internet...
稅務局 : 利得税報税新里程 — iXBRL報税
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Inline XBRL 概念簡介
XBRL 格式的文件可以分為純粹的XBRL 案例文件,以及Inline XBRL格式的文件( 簡稱iXBRL 文件) 。 目前台灣公開發行公司申報的已經是後者。 iXBRL文件申報後,台灣證券交易所及證交所的資料訂戶( 例如TEJ、Bloomberg、GoodInfo..)
IRD : New Era of Profits Tax Filing – iXBRL Filing
2022年3月31日 · iXBRL Filing of Supporting Documents. Starting from 3 April 2023, supporting documents in iXBRL format can be e-filed together with Profits Tax returns on a voluntary basis to the Department through eTAX.
Example iXBRL Financial Report | XBRL
This page demonstrates an example Inline XBRL (or iXBRL) report. The example is based on an extract from the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation’s (GLEIF) 2017 annual report. The report is shown using a pre-release version of a new iXBRL viewer tool. A free, production version of this tool is expected to be released by the end of 2018.
The iXBRL Upgrade | iXBRL
Inline XBRL, or iXBRL, has been a leap forward to reimagining the traditional approach to financial reporting. It streamlines the process from variance in reporting to a consistent, dynamic digital filetype, making the data consistent for people — and computers — to understand.