Mushroom Buttons Conditional Background Color? : …
2023年5月7日 · Hi. I can't update to the latest version of Home Assistant as when I do, it breaks my custom card mod buttons that have conditional Background colors.
How to set a specific color to a specific entity state?
2022年12月8日 · Edit: I just had a quick look and it seems that icons are now using things like 'rgb-state-binary-sensor-color' and "rgb-state-switch-color', etc. I haven't been able to get the desired outcome yet by changing these values, as it doesn't seem to be working the same way as it did in the past, so they may have complicated theming a bit by using ...
Template Sensor: Change icon color based on state?
2023年6月23日 · Edit: It seems like Reddit has maybe distorted some of my indentations, but they are correct on my end and the sensor is working as expected, minus the color change. Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.
Trying to set button colour icon based on an entity state ... - Reddit
2023年11月4日 · I am a bit new to this coding stuff and struggle somewhat. So far I can get the card to change colour based on my entity state using:
Trying to dynamically set icon colors with mushroom templates
2022年12月10日 · Trying to dynamically set icon colors with mushroom templates but having some issues. Any ideas?
Lovelace : Change MDI Icon color for Input Boolean and/or
Hello, I have an input Boolean with an MDI Icon and I would like that Icon to go yellow when on (like any other switch/light in lovelace).
Change icon colour in Mushroom chip based on state value
2023年5月26日 · Change icon colour in Mushroom chip based on state value Hi all....trying to get my icon in a mushroom chip to change colour depending on the values returned from a sensor but not having any luck The template checks out but not getting a colour change so figure somethings is wrong but not sure what.
Custom Button Card With Background Set to Light Color - Reddit
2023年12月10日 · The longest chunk of JavaScript figures out the complementary color for the icon color so that it does not clash with the background color. I did not dive into color theory, so I simply added or subtracted 128 from each color component. To try this card, you need to have the Custom Button card from u/RomRider installed via HACS. Then create a ...
Room Card and conditional icon coloring : r/homeassistant - Reddit
2023年2月16日 · The card mod part is only for location of the icons. The icon coloring looks like below. looks verymuch like yours, maybe i got the 'on'/'off' wrong?
Mushroom chip card not changing icon color : r/homeassistant
2022年7月8日 · where no matter what, I can't change the color of the mushroom chip icons. I'm not sure what could be affecting this but I've tried multiple browsers, different devices, I've changed themes, I've removed themes, I've created new dashboards.Any help is appreciated! mushroom chips don't support dynamic icon color