Xi'an JH-7 - Wikipedia
The PLAAF variant was conceived as an all-weather, long-range bomber/strike aircraft, with a two-seat, tandem cockpit, electronic countermeasures (ECM), and terrain following capabilities (similar to the General Dynamics F-111). The naval version differed in that it was conceived as a dedicated reconnaissance/strike aircraft.
殲轟-7 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
歼轰-7 (JH-7),又名“ 飞豹 ”、“ FBC-1 ”, 北約代号: 比目鱼 (Flounder) [3],是由 中国 西安飞机工业集团 與603研究所合作设计制造的一款 战斗轰炸机,其主要設計用以进行战役纵深攻击以及海上和地面目标攻击,可進行 超音速 飛行。 該戰機於1973年開始研發,至1988年首次試飛,在1998年 珠海航展 上首次公開,其改良型殲轟-7A則在2004年公布。 不過由於戰鬥轟炸機不符合現代空戰需求,出任務風險也變高,殲轟-7的定位已經逐漸向汰換方向前進 [4][5]。
中国装备志——歼轰7飞豹战斗轰炸机 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2022年11月9日 · 鹰击-83KH反舰导弹,导弹以美国捕鲸叉导弹为蓝本和目标发展的亚音速掠海反舰导弹,采用涡轮喷气发动机,红外加主动雷达双模引导头,在飞行末段还可以根据制导头传回的图像人工锁定目标,抗干扰能力较强,最大射程285千米,巡航速度0.85马赫,冲刺速度1.3马赫。 空地88导弹,采用惯性制导加双向数据链加末端电视制导,具备了全天候作战能力,发射重量为680千克,最大射程280公里,同时导弹也可以根据作战需求安装主动红外导引头,除了歼 …
Xian JH-7 Fighter Bomber Aircraft - Airforce Technology
JH-7A is the first aircraft designed with CAD or CAM CATIA V.5 software. This variant is additionally equipped with digital fly by wire controls, ventral fins, a glass cockpit and a single piece windscreen. The number of hard points in the variant is increased to 11. The JH-7B is an advanced version of JH-7A.
Chinese JH-7B may become the most massive two-seat "stealth …
2025年1月24日 · The nose section with the JH-7 cockpit, as well as the air intakes were identical to the nose design of the Jaguar, the tail section with the nozzles of the turbojet engines and one vertical stabilizer repeated the design of the Tornado.
Chinese Aircraft - JH-7 Fighter-Bomber [B-7] - GlobalSecurity.org
The integrated cockpit cover ensures a good view and the instrument system reaches the fourth generation level. The 232H multi-purpose pulse Doppler radar used by the JH-7 fully draws on the...
Xian JH-7 Fighter/Bomber in action - Fighter Jets World
2018年2月25日 · The upgraded JH-7 is known as JH-7A and was delivered to PLAAF in 2004. Cockpit. The aircraft incorporates a two seat tandem cockpit and fuel tanks. The cockpit accommodates a pilot and a weapons load officer and is protected by armour plates.
Xian JH-7 Fighter Bomber - Thai Military and Asian Region
2016年1月4日 · JH-7A is the first aircraft designed with CAD or CAM CATIA V.5 software. This variant is additionally equipped with digital fly by wire controls, ventral fins, a glass cockpit and a single piece windscreen. The number of hard points in the variant is increased to 11. The JH-7B is an advanced version of JH-7A.
Xian JH-7 | Encyclopedia MDPI
The Xian JH-7 (Jianjiji Hongzhaji – fighter-bomber; NATO reporting name Flounder), also known as the FBC-1 (Fighter/Bomber China-1) Flying Leopard, is a tandem two-seat, twin-engine fighter-bomber in service with the People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force (PLANAF), and the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF).
JH-7 Xian FBC-1 Flying Leopard Flounder - Army Recognition
2015年6月1日 · It is a lightweight bracket-mounted system that uses a single small sighting reticle and a pair of cockpit-mounted IR head tracking sensors. The system offers a ±60° azimuth and ±40° pitch off-boresight engagement capability with the PL-9 air-to-air missile.