Dimensions of K (the constant in Coulomb's Law) - Physics Forums
2005年4月1日 · 3 or 4 years ago, I've had a lot of discussions on sci.physics.research about dimensions, fundamental constants, etc, particularly of [tex] G, c, \hbar, \epsilon_0 [/tex]. first …
What is 'K' in K=1/4pi Epsilon 0? - Physics Forums
2011年8月27日 · Physics news on Phys.org Density functional theory's self-interaction correction falters in transition metals, study finds; 3D printing enables large-scale plastic scintillator …
Explanation of formula T = 2pi sqrt(m/k) - Physics Forums
2016年2月26日 · Homework Statement This formula we've been using recently, I don't understand where it comes from. Homework Equations T = 2pi * sqrt(m/k) The Attempt at a …
Find the spring constant 'k' by using the slope of my graph
2007年6月19日 · I'm trying to find the spring constant 'k' by using the slope of my graph. When I do this I get a huge number so I'm playing with units to bring it down. Homework Equations k = …
Brillouin Zone & K Point Explained - Physics Forums
2010年8月12日 · Basically, it is a unit cell in reciprocal space. There are points of different symmetry in that space/cell, which are usually named by capital letters. As you seem to be …
How Does Omega Squared Equal k/m in Simple Harmonic Motion?
2015年8月6日 · If F=ma and F=−kxThen ma=−kx (by equating the forces.) Which can be also written as ma+kx=0or a+kmx=0Now if x is displacement, differentiating once with respect to …
What is the meaning of i, j, k in vectors? - Physics Forums
2005年11月4日 · The "*" there stands for the "dot product", or "inner product" of the vectors. It is basically an orthogonal proyection; it returns the length of the "shadow" that one vector …
Why Does the Cross Product of î and ĵ Equal k̂? - Physics Forums
2013年5月22日 · One good way of defining the cross product is to start with 1)[itex]\vec{i}\times\vec{j}= \vec{k}[/itex] 2)[itex]\vec{j}\times\vec{k}=\vec{i}[/itex]
Making sense of the units of entropy: J/K - Physics Forums
2014年12月29日 · Hi everyone, I have a conceptual question about entropy. I understand perfectly why mathematically the units of entropy are energy per temperature (SI: J / K). …
Learn Relativity Using the Bondi K-calculus - Physics Forums
2017年4月10日 · In my opinion, the Bondi k-calculus method (with its emphasis on radar measurements) is the best starting point, especially for algebra-based physics. With the k …