Best way to smoke fent press m30's : r/opiates - Reddit
2020年11月17日 · Best way to smoke fent press m30's I dont like the underwhelming effects of snorting the blues, I prefer the almost instant smack in the fave provided by smoking. Also if anyone knows the correct way to prepair these bad boys for IV I want to make sure I do it right because the way I'm doing it seems underwhelming as well.
Snort or pop fentanyl pressed M30 : r/opiates - Reddit
2020年11月13日 · Like the other guy said, these aren't being made by professionals so you could get a pill that has a "hot spot" which is an area of the pill that has a much higher concentration of fentanyl than the rest of the pill. If you take that at once you could be done for, especially with a tolerance as low as yours.
Dirty M-30 advice, what are in these things?? - Reddit
I have been using the pressed M30 pills for almost 8 months now, and I notice there are big differences in every new batch. Some make me incredibly euphoric, hot, somewhat itchy and I nod out easily. This can even last for up to 2 hours sometimes.
how to inject m30 pills? : r/Addictedtotheneedle - Reddit
2023年3月14日 · Crush pill, dissolve in citric acid, for example lime juice, throw in cotton or what ever, draw up thru that. Ive seen people do that process with both water and citric acid and the people who try wit water dont get high the people who use citric almost die be fuxking careful. Im fr be fuckin careful. Try to not be alone when u do this please
Opioids FENTANYL M30’s, BLUE VS GREEN, is there a difference?
2010年7月16日 · It’s been many years since I’ve posted, do we still say swim? Lolol. So swim has been taking these lovely little blue pills marked M30, I’m sure everyone in the opium scene is very aware of these. They’re fentanyl pills, straight up. Swim just met with a new fella, different than my usual fella. He just sold swim these green m 30’s.
How much does your standard pressed M30 weigh? : r/fentanyl
Don't forget that the posted weight from police departments also includes packaging as well. There was a story a while ago about a guy getting pulled over with fentanyl and dumping a few gs in a Gatorade to try to not get caught cop somehow knew (either saw him dump it or maybe got him to admit it or whatever) but they charged him with the entire weight of the container (a few hundred grams ...
Pressed M30 question : r/fentanyl - Reddit
2020年5月25日 · Start with less than a 1/4. There are also hot spots in MANY pressies, aka parts of the pill with more fent in it than others. Just start extremely small. Some presses have been confirmed to contain multiple MGs of fent, not MCGS, milligrams.
Taking M30 for the first time - Bluelight.org
1999年11月3日 · The blue m30s going around the US are notoriously straight fentanyl, and they can be very strong. 1/4 of a pill would obliterate me when I had low tolerance, very strong, but not the best quality of high. I would start with 1/4 pill doing fent will not prevent you from getting high on heroin, but it will increase your tolerance
How to smoke blue M30 : r/fentanyl - Reddit
2022年2月27日 · How would you go about smoking a Fentanyl pill? Pure curiosity on the steps you would have to take. I usually just take a quarter of the blue M30 and it kicks my ass. If I wanted to try smoking, what would I need to do?
Can you smoke a m30? Also does it feel different? : r/fentanyl
Omigoddess. Put a piece of a fent 30 blue or the entire thing. Don't crush or it will burn to quick. Tilthe flat piece of foilar a slight downward angle have a straw or pen in your mouth and LIGHT UNDER THE PILL UNDER FOIL AND MEKE SURE THE STRAW IS RIGHT ABOVE THE PILL READY TO CATCH ALL THE SMOKE AND IT WILL RUN DOWN THE FOIL LIKE H .