M58 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
m58(也稱為ngc 4579)是一個位於室女座的棒旋星系,距離地球大約有6800萬光年遠,由查爾斯·梅西耶於1779年所發現。m58是室女座星系團中最明亮的星系之一,在m58已經發現有兩顆超新星存在(sn 1988a與sn 1989m)。
Messier 58 - Wikipedia
Messier 58 (also known as M58 and NGC 4579) is an intermediate barred spiral galaxy with a weak inner ring structure located within the constellation Virgo, approximately 68 million light-years away from Earth.
Messier 58 - Science@NASA
Aug 25, 2024 · M58 is one of the brightest galaxies in the constellation Virgo. Located roughly 62 million light-years from Earth, M58 is the most distant Messier object. Although it appears bright, M58’s core is relatively dim compared to other spiral galaxies.
M58 MICLIC - Wikipedia
The M58 mine-clearing line charge (MICLIC) is a rocket-projected mine-clearing line charge used to provide a "close-in" demining capability for maneuver forces of the United States Army and Marine Corps.
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M58 120毫米坦克炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M58 120毫米坦克炮(英語: 120mm Gun M58 )是一款美国于冷战初期研发的120毫米线膛 坦克炮,主要安装在M103重型坦克上。 英国授权生产的版本称为 皇家兵工廠 L1戰車炮 (英語: Royal Ordnance L1 ),装备在 征服者重型坦克 上。
科普:工业相机 镜头接口的种类 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
M12接口 ,这个接口对应的数字12,指的是接口直径是12mm(所以,举一反三,M42的直径是42mm,M58是58mm)。由于M12的直径比较小,因此这个接口一般在微小工业相机上才会使用,例如无人机上搭载的相机一般用的都是这种接口的镜头,如下图所示。
m58是messier星表中四个棒旋星系之一(其他三个分别是m91,m95,以及m109),不过有时它也被归类为漩涡星系和棒旋星系的中间类型(比如在r. brent tully的《邻近星系表(nearby galaxies catalog)》一书中)。
Messier 58 - Messier Objects
Jun 11, 2015 · Messier 58 (M58) is a barred spiral galaxy located at a distance of about 62 million light years from Earth in the constellation Virgo. The galaxy has an apparent magnitude of 10.5. It has the designation NGC 4579 in the New General Catalogue.
Messier 58 - M58 - AstroPixels
Apr 23, 2012 · M58 is one of four barred spiral galaxies included in the Messier Catalog (M58, M91, M95, and M109), and is one of the brightest galaxies in the Virgo Cluster. According to Stoyan et al. (2010) , the distance of M58 is 62.5 million light …