M58 120毫米坦克炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M58 120毫米坦克炮(英语: 120mm Gun M58 )是一款美国于冷战初期研发的120毫米线膛 坦克炮,主要安装在M103重型坦克上。 英国授权生产的版本称为 皇家兵工厂 L1战车炮 (英语: Royal Ordnance L1 ),装备在 征服者重型坦克 上。
M103 heavy tank - Wikipedia
The M103 was designed to mount the 4.7 in (120 mm) M58 gun, fitted in the M89 turret mount. Using standard Armor-Piercing Ballistic Cap Tracer Rounds, it was capable of penetrating 221 millimetres (8.7 in) of 30-degree sloped rolled-homogeneous armor at 1,000 yards (910 m) and 196 millimetres (7.7 in) at 2,000 yards (1,800 m).
120mm Gun Tank M103 heavy tank (1953)
The gun was derived from the T123 line of prototypes, standardized as the M58. In its configuration, this gun was able to score hits at 2,500 to 3,500 m with good accuracy, apparently achieved in its anti-aircraft role. 34 rounds were stored inside the hull and turret (ready rounds).
M58 120mm 戦車砲 - Wikipedia
M103 Heavy Tank - GlobalSecurity.org
Weighing in at 65 tons, this vehicle represents the largest armored casting ever to enter into American tank production. One of the peculiarities of the M58 is that it used separate charge and...
M58 120毫米坦克炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M58 120毫米坦克炮(英語: 120mm Gun M58 )是一款美国于冷战初期研发的120毫米线膛 坦克炮,主要安装在M103重型坦克上。 英国授权生产的版本称为 皇家兵工廠 L1戰車炮 (英語: Royal Ordnance L1 ),装备在 征服者重型坦克 上。
120mm Gun Tank M103 - 50megs
2024年11月23日 · The 120mm gun M58 weighed 6,280lb (2,850kg) complete, with the tube alone weighing 4,600lb (2,100kg). The tube could withstand firing a total of 500 high-explosive M356 projectiles or a scant 150 armor-piercing M358 projectiles.
M103 Heavy Tank | American M103 Tank complete history & Spec's
It saw a new version of the original 120mm T122 main gun replaced with the 120mm T123 (aka M58), which offered greater muzzle velocity for improved punch and range. The commanders cupola also changed (the earlier one had five vision blocks) and the drivers hatch enlarged with new vision blocks.
120mm Gun Tank M103 - 50megs
2024年11月23日 · The commander's .50cal machine gun could be fired from under armor, but the commander had to expose himself to reload the weapon. The tank was 120.8125" (306.8638cm) tall to the top of the machine gun mount, and 115.25" (292.74cm) tall …
The M103 – America’s Last Heavy Tank - Tank Historia
2022年10月31日 · It was a 120 mm M58 rifled gun, which was 7.6 meters (25 ft) long and could fire projectiles at up to 1,150 meters per second. With the M358 armor piercing round it could penetrate 200 mm of armor angled at 30 degrees from 1,830 meters (6,000 ft) away. In fact, the M58 is one of the most powerful rifled tank guns to have ever entered service.