合理的人员配置——MM(Man&Machine)比_作业 - 搜狐
2019年8月9日 · 以生产工序中不发生MT 瓶颈为前提,计算应该配置的人数。 称为工程的MM比. 上面可以用MT方便地计算出来,但实际上通常是以MCT来考虑的。 需要改善的不只是缩短MT,还包括材料放置,开关的操作。 MCT 材料的取出,下一材料放入治具,Sw-on,到设备稼动/停止的时间 如有自动排出装置,还包括自动排出时间。 ① MM比必须在1以上MM比小于1的话,即使只设置一个人也会有等待。 ② 为提高MM比就需要缩短瓶颈 MCT或者提高 ΣCT,提高ΣCT意味着 …
合理的人员配置——MM(Man&Machine)比 - 百家号
2019年7月31日 · ① MM比必须在1以上MM比小于1的话,即使只设置一个人也会有等待。 ② 为提高MM比就需要缩短瓶颈 MCT或者提高 ΣCT,提高ΣCT意味着需要与其他作业进行一体化(连结,集合,混流)。 (2) MM比的使用方法. ① 确定改善方向的道具:优先改善MCT还是作业改善 (缩短CT)? ② 以不发生设备瓶颈为前提,需配置多少人,比如 因为生产增加需要增加人员时,如果清楚MM比就可以判断需要投入的人数。 省人化 (支援者工程外人员)的检讨.
mmap (2) - Linux manual page - man7.org
mmap () creates a new mapping in the virtual address space of the calling process. The starting address for the new mapping is specified in addr. The length argument specifies the length of the mapping (which must be greater than 0).
M/M (Man Month) 의미? :: 안나푸르나
2011年10月12日 · 맨먼쓰 (M/M, Man Month)는 엄밀히 men per month의 뜻입니다. 프로젝트에 투입되는 월 인원을 나타내는 숫자입니다. 프로젝트의 크기를 표현할때 주로 쓰입니다. 2명이면 보름이면 끝낸다는 뜻입니다. 5명을 투입하면 한달걸린다는 뜻입니다. 각 사람의 능력은 동일하다는 전제하에 나오는 숫자입니다. M/M는 투입되는 작업 시간의 양 (How big)과 관련된 사항이며 [기간] (How long)과는 다른 의미인 점을 이해할 필요가 있습니다. 안나푸르나 CDL 님의 블로그입니다.
PS3 - multiMAN | PSX-Place
multiMAN is a very veristale PlayStation Homebrew Application, with many features and purposes. This All in One solution comes equipped with a File Manager known as mmOS, FTP support, a manager for PS1/PSP/PS2/PS3/VIDEO/MUSIC/PHOTO and more this makes for an impressive application.
Mega Man 11
Mega Man 11 The Blue Bomber is Back! The newest entry in this iconic series blends classic, challenging 2D platforming action with a fresh look. The stunning new visual style refreshes the series' iconic colorfulness, combining hand-drawn environments with detailed, 3D characters.
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Millimeter to Centimeter Conversion (mm to cm)
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Mega Man (franchise) - MMKB
Mega Man (also written as MegaMan and Megaman), known as Rockman (ロックマン, Rokkuman) in Japan and other Asian countries, is one of Capcom's best selling video game franchises, having over 50 games for multiple systems separated in seven series. [1] It is also one of Capcom's signature franchises...