What is the size of cartolina in the Philippines? - Answers
2024年5月4日 · The size of cartolina in the Philippines is 724 by 572 mm. What is the size and shape of the Philippines? The Philippines is an archipelago comprising 7,641 islands with a total land area of ...
How big is 11mm compared to an inch? - Answers
2023年8月11日 · 3/4 inches. 2nd Answer: No, 11mm is about 0.433 inches, or very close to 7/16 inch. This puts its size between 3/8 inch and 1/2 inch.
What is a punctate calculus in the lower pole of the kidney?
2021年1月30日 · A tiny kidney stone: A punctate calculus refers to a very small kidney stone, generally 1-2 mm in size picked up on a CT scan as this is the most sensitive imaging study. A stone of this size should be passable if it decides to move down the ureter. I would recommend excellent fluid intake of 70-80 ounces daily and orange juice and lemonade daily.
18 mm ovarian cyst - HealthTap
how much does 160 x 85 mm ovarian cyst weights?: Depends: That really depends on what it contains. Fluid filled cysts w
normal size of uterus in mm - HealthTap
Ultrasound results uterus size: 12 x 4.7 x 5.1 cm rt ovary: size: 2.5 x 1.1 x 1.1 cm lt ovary: size: 1.8 x 2.6 x 2.2 cm lining: 9 mm is this normal? i have pelvic pain, tenderness, swelling every month and keep getting dismissed as normal?
how big is a 4mm kidney stone? - HealthTap
2020年8月29日 · Is a 5 mm kidney stone considered big or small? What would happen if a kidney stone was too big to pass but it went untreated? How do I tell when i've passed a kidney stone? Will I see a big thing in toilet? Have got kidney stone measuring 0.5mm. Is it big size as the pain keeps coming and going on my side. is the size big to worry of?
What does 30mm diameter look like in size? - Answers
2025年2月12日 · The recommended size for the spindle of a bottom bracket when using a 30mm crankset is typically 30mm. What does 5mm look like in size on a ring band? 5 mm is about 1/5".
What does 5 mm look like? - Answers
2023年8月10日 · That depends what you want to convert it to. Among other things, that's equal to 0.5 cm, and to 0.005 meters. The most popular SI conversions are: 5mm is 0.005 metres, 0.000005 km, 5000 microns ...
Colon polyps is 8mm size bad?? - HealthTap
2019年2月13日 · Size, but what cells: While larger polyps tend to be more concerning for cancer than smaller ones, it really depends on the cells that the polyp contains, which is why polyps have to be sought out (via colonoscopy) and removed for histologic analysis. Smaller polyps can have cancerous or precancerous cells therein.
What is the size of 22 mm? - Answers
2023年8月11日 · What size hole is a 10h7? A 10h7 hole is designed with a basic size of 10 mm and a tolerance range of +0.033 mm to +0.058 mm. This means that the actual hole size could range from 10.033 mm to 10. ...