毫米汞柱 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
毫米汞柱(英語: Millimeter of mercury ),符號為mmHg,是一種压强單位,舊定義:一毫米高的水銀柱對液柱底面產生的压强,現在定義:一毫米汞柱為133.322387415帕斯卡,約為1托 [1] 。
Gas constant - Wikipedia
The molar gas constant (also known as the gas constant, universal gas constant, or ideal gas constant) is denoted by the symbol R or R. It is the molar equivalent to the Boltzmann constant , expressed in units of energy per temperature increment per amount of substance , rather than energy per temperature increment per particle .
Chemistry Definition of Gas Constant (R) - ThoughtCo
Jul 16, 2024 · The gas constant or R is an essential constant in the ideal gas law. Discover the definition and value of the gas constant.
Ideal Gas Constant (R) – Universal Gas Constant - Science …
Feb 11, 2021 · The gas constant (R) is a proportionality constant used in the ideal gas law and Nernst equation. It’s also called the ideal gas constant, universal gas constant, or molar gas constant. Basically, the gas constant is the same as the Boltzmann constant (k), except the gas constant includes Avogadro’s number (N A): R = NA k
Universal (R) Gas Constant and its values - EnggCyclopedia
Definition of the universal gas constant (R) frequently used in ideal gas equations, along with gas constant values for different units.
Individual & Universal Gas Constants: Definitions, Values, and …
The induvidual gas constant, R, for a gas can be calculated from the universal gas constant, R u ( given in several units below), and the gas molecular weight, M gas : R = R u / M gas (1)
毫米汞柱和千帕换算 - 毫米汞柱(mmHg)换算千帕(kPa) - 压力换算
毫米汞柱和毫巴换算 - 毫米汞柱 (mmHg)换算毫巴 (mbar) - 压力换算
mmHg等于多少Pa - 百度知道
汞 (Hg)的密度ρ=13.59g/cm^3,重力常数g=9.8N/kg,那么1mmHg的压强为,P=13.59g/cm^3x9.8N/kgx1mm=13.59x10.
毫米汞柱和兆帕换算 - 毫米汞柱(mmHg)换算兆帕(MPa) - 压力换算
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