In this review, we focus on how the mtDNA released during mitochonrial stress response activates the cGAS-STING innate immune signaling pathway and the associated diseases, in order to help...
mtDNA release promotes cGAS-STING activation and accelerated …
2024年7月23日 · Our results reveal a novel mechanism of innate immune activation-associated cellular senescence in postmitotic muscle cells in aged muscle, which may help identify novel sets of diagnostic markers...
Immunity丨mtDNA如何释放以及点燃“自体炎症之火” - 知乎
线粒体DNA (mtDNA)逃离压力下的线粒体,通过 cGAS-STING途径 激活引发炎症,当被氧化时(Ox-mtDNA),它与细胞膜NLRP3结合,从而引发炎性体的激活。然而,在非凋亡的巨噬细胞中,Ox-mtDNA如何以及以何种形式离开受压的线粒体尚不清楚。
Molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial DNA release and ... - Nature
2023年3月24日 · In this review, we focus on cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS), which is a recently characterized cytosolic DNA sensor that is essential for the DNA-induced immune response, irrespective of cell type...
文献分享 | Immunity综述,cGAS-STING DNA感应信号通路的机制 …
cGAS以序列无关的方式结合双链DNA(dsDNA)的糖磷酸骨架,导致结构重排激活GTP和ATP生成环化GMP-AMP(cGAMP)。 cGAMP迅速扩散到整个细胞,并与内质网(ER)上的干扰素基因激活剂(STING)跨膜蛋白结合。 cGAMP与STING的结合导致STING构象改变,暴露出结合位点,用于结合tank结合激酶1 (TBK1)和转录因子干扰素调节因子3(IRF3)。 IRF3经历TBK1介导的磷酸化、二聚化和核转位,以激活 IFN 基因。 除了激活IFNs外,STING还与 NF-kB 转录因 …
Mitophagy curtails cytosolic mtDNA-dependent activation of cGAS…
2024年1月27日 · The cyclic GMP-AMP synthase–stimulator of interferon gene (cGAS/STING) axis has been identified as one of the main sensors and downstream effectors of mtDNA release-triggered inflammation 22.
Cooperative sensing of mitochondrial DNA by ZBP1 and cGAS …
2023年6月22日 · In this study, we report that ZBP1 is a key innate immune sensor of torsional mtDNA stress and mitochondrial Z-DNA release. We find that ZBP1 stabilizes Z-form mtDNA and nucleates the assembly of a cytosolic complex containing cGAS, receptor-interacting protein 1 (RIPK1), and RIPK3 to engage robust IFN-I signaling.
免疫学杂志丨cGAS 通过 mTORC1 通路将巨噬细胞极化为 M1 型从 …
环磷酸腺苷-AMP 合酶(cGAS)是一种细胞膜 DNA 传感器,在抗病毒免疫中起着至关重要的作用,其过度激活会诱发过度炎症和组织损伤。 巨噬细胞极化在炎症中起着至关重要的作用,然而,cGAS 在炎症过程中巨噬细胞极化中的作用仍不清楚。 在这项研究中,我们证实了 cGAS 在 LPS 诱导的炎症反应中通过 TLR4 途径上调,并且 cGAS 信号在从 C57BL/6J 小鼠分离的巨噬细胞中被线粒体 DNA 激活。 我们进一步证实,cGAS作为巨噬细胞极化开关,通过线粒体DNA …
mtDNA研究相关的“新概念”和“新方向”及如何应用到课题方案设计 …
2025年2月18日 · 非经典途径的探索: 除了经典的cgas-sting通路和nlrp3炎症小体,探索mtdna逃逸的其他下游效应分子或信号通路,可能发现全新的调控机制。 应激反应的新类型: mtDNA应激可被视为一种新的应激类型,与氧化应激、内质网应激等并列,为应激反应研究提供新的维度。
Mitochondrial DNA-activated cGAS-STING pathway in cancer
Recent studies elucidate the interplay among mtDNA, the cGAS-STING pathway, and neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) in the context of cancer. mtDNA uptake by recipient cells activates the cGAS-STING pathway, while mtDNA leakage reciprocally regulates NET release, amplifying inflammation and promoting NETosis, a mechanism of tumor cell death.