NVM Express® (NVMe) Testing Services - InterOperability …
The NVMe testing service offers conformance and interoperability testing across various OS, drivers, and hardware platforms as well as PCIe SSD and PCIe Servers. Testing here helps products qualify for the NVMe Integrator's List.
NVMe Test Plans - InterOperability Laboratory
The NVMe testing service currently offers the following test plans. These documents are constantly being updated to improve readability and to reflect the current specifications. Please contact us if you would like more information or have questions about the NVMe testing service.
NVMe® Technologies - InterOperability Laboratory
NVMe ® /TCP (NVMe/TCP) test services extends NVMe across the entire data center and utilizes simple and efficient TCP/IP fabric to provide high performance. Member services include NVMe/TCP testing to help products qualify for the NVMe-oF Integrator's List .
Testing & Compliance - NVM Express
NVM Express proudly collaborates with the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL) to conduct compliance and interoperability testing for the NVMe, NVMe-oF and NVMe-MI specifications. Currently, the UNH-IOL’s testing software is available for the following product types:
SSD上市前要做哪些认证 - SSD Fans
2017年8月3日 · IOL INTERACT Teledyne-LeCroy EDITION Software:高级版本,必须配合LeCroy的PCIe Exerciser和Analyzer使用,能够自动跑完NVMe Conformance Test Suite里面要求的测试,而且能够自动抓取trace以供分析。 分类目录 SSD, 技术文章. 扫一扫 二维码或者微信搜索公众号 ssdfans 关注(添加朋友->点最下面的公众号->搜索ssdfans),可以经常看到SSD技术和产业的文章(SSD Fans只推送干货)。 想加入这些群,请微信扫描下面二维码,或搜 …
UNH - IOL - OCP NVMe® SSD Testing Services - Open Compute …
The UNH-IOL is the sole provider of NVM Express® conformance and interoperability testing that is required for products to be certified for the NVMe Integrators List. This latest test offering expands the test validation available for products in the storage industry.
面壁UNH IOL NVMe一致性测试之1 – Identify Command - 搜狐
2018年7月29日 · UNH IOL的全称是University of New Hampshire Interoperability Laboratory,中文翻译过来就是新罕布什尔大学互操作性实验室。 从2012年开始UNH IOL与NVMe组织联合开始推出NVMe Conformance Test (NVMe一致性测试)。
DERA D7400系列NVMe SSD成为首款NVMe-MI 1.2认证产品
2023年3月9日 · IOL NVMe-MI测试是由IOL组织进行的一种测试,旨在验证NVMe设备的管理接口是否符合NVMe-MI标准,包括对NVMe设备的多种管理操作进行测试,例如固件更新、错误日志收集、性能监测等。 该测试有助于确保不同厂家的NVMe设备可以相互兼容,并且符合NVMe-MI规范,以便能够在不同的系统中无缝运行。 通过支持NVMe-MI 1.2版本,DERA D7400系列产品可以提供更加完整和灵活的远程管理功能,包括NVMe设备的重置、配置、监控和诊断等。 这一成就 …
IOL INTERACT™ NVMe Testing Software - InterOperability …
The IOL INTERACT ™ software expedites and automates the in-house testing of NVMe SSDs and NVMe-oF products and is available for members of the UNH-IOL NVMe ® Testing Services. It is also used to test for inclusion on the NVMe ® Integrator’s List and …
NVM Express Integrator’s List 101: Your Guide to NVMe …
Once you are a member of NVM Express and UNH-IOL, you gain access to exclusive IOL test software, IOL INTERACT™, which expedites and automates in-house testing of NVMe and NVMe-oF products. Next, schedule a test reservation with the IOL or attend a Plugfest where testing is performed to validate products and run official testing.
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