GitHub - YinChaoOnline/Obj2CityGML: A full-stack app …
Obj2CityGML is a full-stack app which enables to converting OBJ 3D models with semantics to CityGML LOD1-4 with ease. It allows for high-performance conversion between 3D OBJ models and CityGML LOD1-LOD4.Also, in this app users can …
Obj2CityGML/README.md at master - GitHub
Obj2CityGML is a full-stack app which enables to converting OBJ 3D models with semantics to CityGML LOD1-4 with ease. It allows for high-performance conversion between 3D OBJ models and CityGML LOD1-LOD4.Also, in this app users can …
tum-gis/CityGML2OBJv2 - GitHub
Command line converter of CityGML (.gml) to OBJ (.obj) files, while maintaining the semantics. ️ How to run? The CityGML2OBJs.py represents the starting point of the code, choose this file when configuring the runtime and pass the following parameters: Please make sure to use the absolute paths to the respective directories.
CityGML三维城市查看 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
下载并解压 CityGML 文件后,创建一个新的 QGIS 项目。 首先,将 Delft_3dfier.gml 文件拖到 QGIS 窗口中打开。 如果程序询问你要导入哪些图层,请标记“构建”并按“确定”。 最有可能的是,图层会丢失 CRS 信息,因此请在图层属性中手动设置。 我将其设置为 EPSG: 7415,这是我的数据的 CRS。 不要忘记设置项目的坐标系。 请务必选择投影 CRS,否则,3D 地图视图将无法打开。 我用的和以前一样(EPSG:7415)。 接下来的步骤很简单。 打开图层样式面板,启用 …
Obj2CityGML is a full-stack app which enables to converting OBJ 3D models with semantics to CityGML LOD1-4 with ease. It allows for high-performance conversion between 3D OBJ models and CityGML LOD1-LOD4.Also, in this app users can …
metadata - TU Delft
We implement two software prototypes: a conversion of 3D building models from CityGML to OBJ (CityGML2OBJs), and one from OBJ to CityGML (OBJ2CityGML). By presenting both methods and implementations, we aim at increasing the availability of CityGML datasets and the possibility to create them in powerful 3D modelling software.
CityGML程序换建模引擎及合成数据集【开源】 - 知乎专栏
凭借其多样化的建筑物和大量的表示,Random3Dcity 的目标是成为可用的最完整的 CityGML(可能还有 3D)数据集。 然而,请注意其局限性,例如实验性质和合成结果。 Random3Dcity 由两部分组成。 第一个构建具有随机属性(程序化建模器)的建筑物,例如高度、屋顶类型和窗户数量及其尺寸。 做到这一点的算法相对聪明,它通过遵守大量约束(例如窗户不重叠)来实现这一点,并注意设计的建筑物看起来尽可能真实。 引擎将这些数据存储在人类可读的参数描述(自己的 …
Build CityGML Buildings from OBJ files of OpenDroneMap
2020年1月8日 · In short: for mere visualization, converting to CityGML seems a bit overkill. Aren't there any other options? There is a fundamental difference between geometric 3D models (such as OBJ) and semantic 3D models (such as CityGML). A semantic one includes 'meaning', thus extra information on top of what you see.
Automatic Semantic-preserving Conversion Between OBJ and …
We implement two software prototypes: a conversion of 3D building models from CityGML to OBJ (CityGML2OBJs), and one from OBJ to CityGML (OBJ2CityGML). By presenting both methods and implementations, we aim at increasing the availability of CityGML datasets and the possibility to create them in powerful 3D modelling software.
CityGML 标准 | OGC 出版物
CityGML 3.0 概念模型标准描述了用于表示 3D 城市对象的通用语义信息模型。 该模型的主要功能是定义人类对建模数据对象的解释以及它们的几何表示和关系。 因此 CityGML 3.0 概念模型为集成、存储和交换 3D 地理空间数据提供了一个框架。 CityGML 3.0 允许以 GML/XML 格式对数据进行编码,也可以以 JSON 或数据库模式进行编码。 与以前的版本相比,其他优势包括与 BIM 的集成度大大提高、能够以不同的细节层次 (LOD) 表示室内空间、支持传感器和模拟提供的动态数 …
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