orz - Know Your Meme
orz (also known as OTL) is an emoticon used to express one's feeling of hopelessness in jest, often as a result of failure. The text visually represents a person kneeling on the ground with face down; "O" represents the head, "R" as the arms and "Z" as the torso.
失意體前屈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
orz: Image Gallery (List View) (List View) | Know Your Meme
Know Your Meme. Meme Encyclopedia . Confirmed; Submissions; Cultures; Events; People; Sites; Subcultures; Videos; ... orz star control star control 2 star control ii dancing reaction:*frumple* HELLO EXTREMELY! orz star control ii orz orz orz orz orz orz orz orz orz orz orz orz orz oars orz
Orz - Teh Meme Wiki
Orz, stylized as °rz and also known as OTL, is an emoticon used to express one’s feeling of hopelessness in jest, often as a result of failure. The text visually represents a person kneeling on the ground with face down; “O” represents the head, “R” as the arms and “Z” as the torso.
我问一下各位只友们,女生发orz什么意思呐? - 知乎
2019年9月1日 · orz,你把o看作人的头,把z看成人的腿。 这样子看,orz这三个字母难道不像一个人双膝跪地,手撑着地面,一副要磕头的样子? 如果还不理解,一幅图帮你理解:(图源网络)
orz | MeMe 梗圖・迷因收納庫
【orz】是什麼意思? - 街頭字典:搞懂流行語是什麼意思
系統徵求幫忙:您知道這些字的意思嗎? 可以幫忙撰寫條目嗎? 一個人趴在地上的圖案。 就是覺得很 囧 、五體投地的意思。 您覺得以上「orz」的定義不夠清楚嗎? 歡迎新增一筆定義! 新增「orz」的定義! 本網站為線上梗圖製作技術平台,僅提供圖片編輯技術,並不提供圖片與文字內容。 所有圖片與文字均由網友提供,本站無法即時審查網友上傳內容。 有發現任何問題請聯絡站長。 【orz】是什麼意思? - 街頭字典:搞懂流行語是什麼意思.
20張超好笑【orz】梗圖! 快來看看網友們的搞笑創作! 一個人趴在地上的圖案。 就是覺得很 囧 、五體投地的意思。 本網站為線上梗圖製作技術平台,僅提供圖片編輯技術,並不提供圖片 …
20张超好笑【orz】梗图!快来看看网友们的搞笑创作!还有线上梗图产生器,让你 DIY 自己制作一张!
Meaning of “orz”? Is it a slang? emoji? - Just a little Japanese
2017年7月19日 · “Orz”, which instantly looks like an abbreviation of some English word, was born in Japan and has recently begun to be used in other countries. Originally, on a personal news site and community site around 2002, when someone asked a question about the cable, they responded with “_| ̄| " to represent the cable layout using letters.
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