第一个发现的细胞内第二信号——cAMP信号通路(下) - 知乎
对CD8+和Vδ1+T细胞之间差异表达基因进行pathway富集分析,可以富集到cAMP-PKA和ERK (MAPK) 通路。 这里我们可以看到, 作者采用了不同组学、不同分析策略,来锁定目标基因、目标通路 (下图B)。
ERK signalling: a master regulator of cell behaviour, life and fate
2020年6月23日 · ERK1 and ERK2 are part of a family of structurally related kinases, called mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), the signalling mechanism of which depends on an activating phosphorylation...
Enhanced kinase translocation reporters for simultaneous real …
2025年3月1日 · To address these limitations, we developed enhanced KTRs (eKTRs) for PKA and extracellular signal–regulated kinase (ERK) by (i) increasing KTR size, which reduces the confounding effect of KTR diffusion through the nuclear pore and (ii) modulating the strength of the bipartite nuclear localization signal in their kinase sensor domains, to ensure...
Cross Talk between ERK and PKA Is Required for Ca
1998年10月1日 · We propose that PKA is required for Ca 2+-stimulated CREB-mediated transcription, because PKA activity is necessary for the nuclear translocation of ERK and subsequent nuclear activation of Rsk2. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the persistent activation of ERK increases CRE-mediated gene expression.
Non-canonical β-adrenergic activation of ERK at endosomes
2022年10月26日 · Here we investigated how spatially organized β 2 -adrenergic receptor (β 2 AR) signalling controls ERK. Using subcellularly targeted ERK activity biosensors 5, we show that β 2 AR signalling...
Multiplexing PKA and ERK1&2 kinases FRET biosensors in living …
2017年1月20日 · PKA scaffold proteins such as the A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAP) together with that of ERK1&2, the kinase suppressor of Ras (KSR), can enhance cAMP control of the ERK1/2 cascade 14,15 ...
快速了解ERK/MAPK信号通路? - 知乎专栏
在真核细胞中已经确定了以下四条MAPK级联途径:ERK、 JNK 、 p38 MAPK 和ERK5信号转导途径。 今天我们来快速了解一下ERK/MAPK信号通路。 ERK是一种丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶,是一种传递有丝分裂原信号的信号转导蛋白。 ERK通常位于细胞质中;在被激活后,ERK进入细胞核,调节转录因子活性和基因表达。 ERK家族已被证实包括ERK1、2、3、5和6。 其中,ERK1和ERK2是MAPK/ERK途径的两个重要成员。 ERK/MAPK信号传导途径是调节细胞生长、发育 …
The road to ERK activation: Do neurons take alternate routes?
PKA regulates ERK activation by phosphorylation of several proteins in the ERK activation pathway, including Src, Rap1GDP, C-Raf and B-Raf, and can either decrease or increase ERK activation. PKA phosphorylates a set of non-receptor tyrosine kinases called Src Family Kinases (SFK), of which Src is the prototype.
Enhanced kinase translocation reporters for simultaneous real …
2024年9月30日 · To address these limitations, we developed enhanced KTRs (eKTRs) for protein kinase A (PKA) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) that display high sensitivity, rapid response kinetics, broad dynamic range, cell type-specific tuning, and an ability to detect PKA and ERK activity in primary sensory neurons.
Cross Talk between ERK and PKA Is Required for Ca
Here, we report that extracellular signal–related protein kinase (ERK) signaling is obligatory for Ca 2+ -stimulated transcription in PC12 cells and hippocampal neurons. The sequential activation of ERK and Rsk2 by Ca 2+ leads to the phosphorylation and transactivation of CREB.