This is a property valuation factor provided by the PA Department of Revenue by which the county assessed value is multiplied to determine the taxable value of real
Richard Friedberg Stamps is located in Northwest Pennsylvania. specialists in United States revenue stamps. in business for over thirty years. pricelists. Send want lists. ASDA and the ARA.
Reporting instructions (REV-1030 Instructions) are available online at www.revenue.pa.gov. i declare under the penalties of perjury this monthly report, including any accompanying statements, has been examined by me and to the best of my
Realty Transfer Tax | Department of Revenue - PA.GOV
Pennsylvania realty transfer tax is imposed at a rate of 1 percent on the value of real estate (including contracted-for improvements to property) transferred by deed, instrument, long-term lease or other writing.
This is a property valuation factor provided by the PA Depart-ment of Revenue by which the county assessed value is mul-tiplied to determine the taxable value of real estate for all non-arm’s-length transactions, leases and acquired compa-nies. The factor is based on the common level ratio estab-lished by the State Tax Equalization Board. The ...
ABOUT US - friedbergstamps.com
We have been full-time stamp dealers since 1975 and have operated a walk-in retail store store in NW Pennsylvania since our inception. Our store has been at its current location since 1980. We stock a full line of supplies, literature and United States stamps - although we are best known for our deep stock of United States Revenue Stamps.
State Revenue Society Special Announcement The State Revenue Society is pleased to announce publication of the Pennsylvania Local Deed Tax Stamps Catalog Edited by Robert Conley A full year in the making, this ground-breaking catalog is the first attempt in nearly fifty years to discover and list these elusive stamps, hand-stamps, coupons and ...
Resources · State Revenue Society
Pennsylvania local deed tax stamps catalog: revenue stamps for real estate transfer taxes in Pennsylvania counties, cities, boroughs, municipalities, townships and school districts (Lincroft NJ: State Revenue Society, c2015).
An Overview of United States Scott-Listed Revenue Stamps
The history of adhesive revenue stamps in the US essentially begins with the Revenue Act of 1862, when the North began to tax a vast number of items to finance the Civil War effort. Scott lists embossed revenues (plus several typographed and engraved items) from the colonial period and the early years of the country as well.
State Revenue Society
2024年10月10日 · The State Revenue Society advances the collection and study of revenue stamps of U.S. states. Our State Revenue Catalog contains over 700 pages of listings, descriptions, and full-color illustrations.