Paul Nitze - Wikipedia
Paul Henry Nitze (January 16, 1907 – October 19, 2004) was an American businessman and government official who served as United States Deputy Secretary of Defense, U.S. Secretary …
保罗·亨利·尼采 - 百度百科
保罗·亨利·尼采(Paul Henry Nitze,1907年1月16日-2004年10月19日),前美国国防部副部长,约翰斯·霍普金斯大学保罗·尼采高级国际研究学院创始人,曾在多届美国政府当中参与冷战 …
保罗·尼采 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
保罗·亨利·尼采(英語: Paul Henry Nitze ,1907年1月16日—2004年10月19日),美国政府高级官员,曾在多届美国政府当中参与冷战政策的制定。1950年5月,尼采曾制定计划拟帮助时任 …
Paul H. Nitze and U.S. Cold War Strategy from Truman to Reagan
Washington, D.C., 27 October 2004 - The recent passing of Paul Nitze at the age of 97 has brought forth the expected array of obituaries, retrospectives and assessments of his lengthy …
The man who brought us the Cold War. - Slate Magazine
2004年10月21日 · When Paul Henry Nitze died at the age of 97 on Oct. 19, an era died with him. If there was one man responsible for America’s emergence as a global military power in the …
Paul Nitze, Cold War Strategist, Dies at 97 - The New York Times
2004年10月20日 · Paul H. Nitze, an expert on military power and strategic arms whose roles as negotiator, diplomat and Washington insider spanned the era from Franklin D. Roosevelt to …
Paul Henry Nitze - Encyclopedia.com
2018年5月18日 · Nitze, Paul H. (1907–2004).U.S. government official, author, educator. Early in 1950, as director of the State Department's Policy Planning Staff, Paul H. Nitze oversaw the …
Paul Nitze, 97; Key Player in U.S. Foreign Policy During Cold War
2004年10月21日 · Paul Nitze, who played a pivotal role in shaping U.S. foreign and arms control strategy from the 1940s through the end of the Cold War, has died. He was 97.
Nitze, Paul Henry - NHHC
2020年11月18日 · Paul Henry Nitze became the 57th Secretary of the Navy (1963-1967) on 29 November 1963. A veteran of more than 15 years of public service, he was Assistant …
Capturing Paul Nitze: the Cold War and Today
2024年6月25日 · In America’s Cold Warrior: Paul Nitze and National Security from Roosevelt to Reagan (AVAILABLE NOW), James Graham Wilson traces Paul Nitze’s career path in …