IASPEI standard phase list - International Seismological Centre
At shorter distances, the first leg is represented by a crustal P wave. PcP reflected from the free surface N-1 times; N is a positive integer. For example PcP2 is PcPPcP. (alt:P z P) P reflection from outer side of a discontinuity at depth z; z may be a positive numerical value in km.
PdP and PKiKP Waves and Diffracted PcP Waves - Oxford …
PKiKP waves (reflections from the inner core) are traceable in this data sample back to 106°. The result is consistent with a sharp inner core boundary at 1220 km radius.
Extraction of triplicated PKP phases from noise correlations
2016年2月26日 · The extraction of body waves has been very limited, but recent reports have suggested promises for deep incident waves. Here we report our first observations of triplicated PKP phases (important phases for studying the Earth's core) and confirm observations of other body-wave core phases from noise correlations.
PKP precursors: Implications for global scatterers
2015年5月2日 · Precursors to the core phase PKP are generated by scattering of seismic energy from heterogeneities in the mantle. Here we examine a large global data set of PKP precursors in individual seismograms and array data, to better understand scattering locations.
Evidence for scattering of seismic PKP waves near the mantle-core ...
1974年5月1日 · Amplitudes and slownesses of scattered waves have been calculated for earth models which are spherically symmetrical except for random variations in density and elastic parameters in a layer 200 km thick at the base of the mantle.
Global P, PP, and PKP wave microseisms observed from distant …
2008年12月9日 · Using array analysis on southern California stations we show that these body waves are generated in the ocean from distant storms and propagate deep within the Earth's mantle and core as P, PP and PKP phases. Comparisons with ocean wave hindcast data identify several distinct source regions in both the northern and southern hemispheres.
Seismic Phases - SpringerLink
P waves with steeper take‐off angles at the source are either reflected from the core‐mantle boundary (PcP) or refracted into the core (PKP). The refracted PKP waves have a relatively complex pattern of propagation in the core.
Effects of scattering parameters on seismic observables of PKP ...
2023年11月1日 · Specifically, we use a randomly distributed scattering layer that is able to generate precursors to the core phase PKPdf as well as waves that resemble reflections off the D″ layer (PdP wave) and here we present a parameter study to understand how scattering parameters in this layer affect the two tested seismic waves and whether it is ...
論用PKP波測定极远地震的震級 - geophy.cn
In this paper, the authors suggest a method of determining the magnitude of teleseisms by using the amplitude and the corresponding period of PKP waves. The following formula is used for this purpose: M=log(A/T)max+σ(Δ). The calibrating function σ(Δ) is derived experimentally as well as theoretically.
Theoretical short-periodpPKP andPKP wave amplitudes | Studia …
1991年9月1日 · The influence of the source depth and of the subduction slab dip on the ratio of the short-period pPKP and PKP wave amplitudes is calculated and discussed, for the case of earthquakes generated in the SW-Pacific Ocean and recorded at …
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