XGB is a micro PLC that offers maximum performance at minimum cost. With its high functionality, XGB supports from simple control system to complex task. Strengthening its communication functions, XGB offers user-oriented integrated control.
XGB Fast Ethernet I/F User’s Manual It describes how to use XGB FEnet I/F module.
LS Electric XGB Series PLC Features - AutomationDirect
The LS Electric XGB PLC comes equipped to tackle numerous industrial processes not just advanced motion control. With high-density 32-point discrete I/O modules, a wide variety of "on/off" control is possible or add XGB analog modules to your controller for up to 16 PID loops.
LS Electric XGB Series PLC In Depth - AutomationDirect
You get the best of both worlds, otherwise known as the LS Electric XGB PLC from AutomationDirect. The LS Electric controllers offer many great features including a robust hardware selection, FREE advanced IEC-based programming software, and many high-level motion specific capabilities.
XGK/XGB Series Instructions & Programming User’s Manual It is the user’s manual for programming to explain how to use commands that are used PLC system with XGK CPU and XGB.
XGB内置通讯支持Modbus,即Modicon( Modicon是施耐德电气旗下的一个品牌,中文名是莫迪康。 )产品 的通讯协议,同时支持ASCLL码数据类型的ASCLL格式和HEX(十六进制)数据格式的RTU格
LS Electric XGB Series PLC Hardware - AutomationDirect
LS Electric XGB PLC, 24 VDC required, Ethernet, serial and USB B ports, Discrete Input: 16-point, DC, Discrete Output: 16-point, sourcing, 4 high-speed input point(s), 6 high-speed output point(s). Requires XTB-40H terminal block and C40HH-xxSB-XBI cable.
XGB系列PLC资料下载 - LS产电PLC资料下载 - LS产电资料下载 - 中 …
XGB系列PLC用户手册提供了XGB系列PLC的每一个产品的详细规格,性能和操作方式。 包含说明了XGB系列的产品构造和系统组成方式、常规规格、CPU 模块规格、程序构造和运行方式、CPU模块的功能、I/O 模块、高速计数功能、位置控制功能、通信功能、PID 控制功能、模拟量输入输出模块、安装与接线、维护保养、故障处理等内容。 XGB系列PLC硬件用户手册提供了XGB系列PLC的每一个产品的详细规格,性能和操作方式。 XBM系列PLC硬件用户手册提供了XGB …
LS产电XGB系列PLC硬件用户手册(中文).pdf - 原创力文档
2024年10月13日 · ls产电xgb系列plc硬件用户手册(中文).pdf,ls产电xgb系列plc硬件用户手册(中文)用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册x g t . lsis . x g xgb b xgt xbc-dr10e xbc-dr14e lsis . lsis . xbc-dr20e . xbc-dr30e xbc-d
LS Electric XGB Series PLC Features: FREE software - AutomationDirect
The LS Electric XGB PLC programming software is an advanced tool for configuring and programming LS PLCs. This highly developed software has been fine-tuned over the years to provide a wealth of features and capabilities, including: