CX-5461 is a DNA G-quadruplex stabilizer with selective ... - Nature
2017年2月17日 · Here, the authors show that CX-5461, a small molecule in clinical trials as RNA polymerase inhibitor, has G4-stablization properties and can be repurposed to target DNA repair-defective cancers...
靶向启动子G-四联体:一种新的抗癌策略? - 搜狐
2019年1月11日 · 生物信息学研究表明,在人体内大约有37万个可以形成G-四联体的基因序列,它们位于双链DNA的延伸区域,特别是在人体端粒末端和癌基因启动区域能够形成G-四联体的序列,如端粒末端重复序列,以及c-MYC、c-KIT、BCL-2、KRAS等原癌基因启动子区域,而且G-四联体的序列排布及其位置在人类和酵母中都是高度保守的。 这一现象提示G-四联体具有重要生物学功能。 值得注意的是,G-四联体二级结构如何能够在能量上与双链DNA竞争? 其一由于细胞核 …
G-Quadruplex Assembly by Ribosomal DNA: Emerging Roles in
The propensity of rDNA that is rich in guanine bases to form G-quadruplexes (G4) is discussed and evaluated in disease pathogenesis. Targeting G4 in the ribosomes and other chromosomal loci may represent a useful synthetic lethal approach to combating cancer.
The regulation and functions of DNA and RNA G-quadruplexes
2020年4月20日 · In this Review, we first discuss the identification of G4s and evidence for their formation in cells using chemical biology, imaging and genomic technologies. We then discuss possible functions of...
The G4 Genome - PMC
We propose that G4 motifs and structures that participate in key processes compose the G4 genome, analogous to the transcriptome, proteome, or metabolome. This is a new view of the genome, which sees DNA as not only a simple alphabet but also a more complex geography.
G4 Structures in Control of Replication and Transcription of rRNA …
2020年10月8日 · Here, we present examples of rDNA promoter regions with extremely high potential to form G4 in two model plants, Arabidopsis thaliana and Physcomitrella patens. The high G4 potential is balanced by the activity of G4-resolving enzymes.
G-rich telomeric and ribosomal DNA sequences from the fission …
In this study, we focused on two different G4 motif-enriched regions; rDNA and telomeres (7). G4 structures are stabilized by the presence of cations, such as Na + and K +, and the stability and the structure formed can differ depending on the cation species, the ionic strength and the sequence of the oligonucleotide (1).
2025年2月17日范衡宇实验室在Science Bulletin发文揭示DExD/H …
ATAC-Seq进一步揭示,虽然整体染色质开放性在转录起始位点(TSS)和rDNA编码区域显著降低,但是G4基序(G4 motif)却在显著富集。 同时,RNA-seq揭示了DHX36在维持母源转录本稳态中的功能。 此外,研究者发现pre-rRNA的转录和加工过程也受到了严重影响。
G4 Structures in Control of Replication and Transcription of
2020年10月8日 · Here, we present examples of rDNA promoter regions with extremely high potential to form G4 in two model plants, Arabidopsis thaliana and Physcomitrella patens. The high G4 potential is balanced by the activity of G4-resolving enzymes.
G-Quadruplex Assembly by Ribosomal DNA: Emerging Roles in …
2021年9月1日 · G4-resolving helicases help preserve rDNA stability by facilitating replication of rDNA repeat regions prone to form G4 structures. 5′-3′ helicases such as FANCJ, RTEL1, and PIF1 or...