What is the difference between ports 465 and 587? [closed]
2013年4月4日 · SMTP protocol: smtps (port 465) v. msa (port 587) Ports 465 and 587 are intended for email client to email server communication - sending out email using SMTP protocol. Port 465 is for smtps SSL encryption is started automatically before any SMTP level communication. Port 587 is for msa It is almost like standard SMTP port.
Sending mail from Python using SMTP - Stack Overflow
2008年9月15日 · The method I commonly use...not much different but a little bit. import smtplib from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from email.MIMEText import MIMEText msg ...
Is SMTP based on TCP or UDP? - Stack Overflow
2013年5月29日 · SMTP is independent of the particular transmission subsystem and requires only a reliable ordered data stream channel. In addition, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority has allocated port 25 for both TCP and UDP for use by SMTP. In practice however, most if not all organizations and applications only choose to implement the TCP protocol.
Sometimes couldn't connect to host, port: smtp.office365.com, …
2025年3月13日 · The service runs on Azure and smtp.office365.com belongs to Microsoft. It fails too much, way more than cheap shared hosting. Thus I thought that may be my service creates too much connections for some reason and doesn't close them.
How to check if SMTP is working from commandline (Linux)
telnet {domain_name} {port_number} So telnet to your SMTP server like. telnet smtp.mydomain.example 25 And copy and paste the below. helo client.mydomain.example mail from:<[email protected]> rcpt to:<[email protected]> data From: [email protected] Subject: test mail from command line this is test number 1 sent from linux box . quit
Sending email with PHP from an SMTP server - Stack Overflow
2013年1月22日 · //Import PHPMailer classes into the global namespace use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer; use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\SMTP; use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\OAuth; //Alias the League Google OAuth2 provider class use League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Google; //SMTP needs accurate times, and the PHP time zone …
Connecting to smtp.gmail.com via command line - Stack Overflow
2009年10月4日 · I just wanted to simulate the SMTP connection on my Windows XP command line, and when I telnet smtp.gmail.com at 465 port - I don't see any thing. A blank command window with title Telnet smtp.gmail.com opens with cursor. When I type in EHLO or usual SMTP handshake commands, the prompt just closes. I am unable to figure out whats going wrong ...
smtp - How to send email with PowerShell - Stack Overflow
2016年4月1日 · Send-MailMessage -To [email protected]-from [email protected]-Subject 'hi' -SmtpServer smtp.office365.com -UseSsl -Credential MyWindowLoginAccount – Nguyen Duc Tien Commented Feb 2 at 18:37
How to figure out the SMTP server host? - Stack Overflow
The results will be a list of host names that are set up for SMTP; Linux: Open a command prompt; Type dig domain.name MX and hit enter where domain.name is the domain you are trying to find out the smtp server for. If you do not get any answers back from your dns server, there is a good chance that there isn't any SMTP Servers set up for that ...
spring - Got bad greeting from SMTP host: smtp.yandex.ru, port: …
2020年8月4日 · With port: 465 (SMTP Protocol), you can try enable ssl via properties: "mail.smtp.ssl.enable": true. mail.smtp.ssl.enable: If set to true, use SSL to connect and use the SSL port by default. Defaults to false for the "smtp" protocol and true for the "smtps" protocol. Using spring boot, add properties to application.yml: mail: ...