Fluorescent labeling of tRNA for rapid kinetic interaction studies …
2023年1月1日 · Fluorescent assays can be used to study the interaction between a protein and tRNA. Moreover, rapid mixing fluorescence stopped-flow assays provide insights into the kinetics of the tRNA–protein interaction in order to elucidate the …
技术 | 如何定量分析tRNA的丰度和修饰?纳米孔RNA-seq大展身 …
近日,西班牙巴塞罗那科技学院的研究团队 在 《Nature Biotechnology》 上发表了题为 “Quantitative analysis of tRNA abundance and modifications by nanopore RNA sequencing” 的研究文章, 介绍了一种基于纳米孔的天然tRNA测序方法——Nano-tRNAseq,可准确定量tRNA丰度并同时捕获tRNA修饰 ...
tRNA tracking for direct measurements of protein synthesis
2018年5月16日 · In the present study, we have developed experimental and analytical tools to directly measure biochemical reaction rates inside living cells. We apply this method to protein synthesis and use...
PDB-101: Learn: Paper Models: tRNA
Transfer RNA (tRNA) "translates" the genetic code into the language of proteins. Each tRNA molecule binds to a specific amino acid on the acceptor arm, recognizes its corresponding code on the mRNA through the anticodon loop region and delivers the amino acid to a growing peptide chain in the ribosome for protein synthesis.
Tools for Understanding the Chemical Biology of the tRNA ...
2023年2月1日 · The mechanism linking the tRNA epitranscriptome and tRNA pool with translational regulation of gene expression involves two recently discovered, interdependent phenomena: dynamic reprogramming of tRNA modifications and a system of biased codon usage in families of stress response genes.
tRNAdb 2009: compilation of tRNA sequences and tRNA genes
One of the first specialized collections of nucleic acid sequences in life sciences was the 'compilation of tRNA sequences and sequences of tRNA genes' (http://www.trna.uni-bayreuth.de). Here, an updated and completely restructured version of this compilation is presented (http://trnadb.bioinf.uni-l …
GtRNAdb 2.0: an expanded database of transfer RNA genes ... - PubMed
2016年1月4日 · Transfer RNAs represent the largest, most ubiquitous class of non-protein coding RNA genes found in all living organisms. The tRNAscan-SE search tool has become the de facto standard for annotating tRNA genes in genomes, and the Genomic tRNA Database (GtRNAdb) was created as a portal for interactive …
小RNA(tsRNA)的发现与临床价值 - 知乎
转移 RNA (tRNA) 衍生的小RNA (tsRNA) 是一种新型的非编码小 RNA,可通过酶从 tRNA 上切割下来,在转录和翻译水平调节基因表达。 tRNA的化学修饰可以直接影响 tsRNA 的产生和生物学功能。 tsRNA参与多种疾病的发病机…
A Label-Free Assay for Aminoacylation of tRNA - PubMed
2020年10月7日 · The conjugated aa-tRNA product is readily separated from the unreacted tRNA by a denaturing polyacrylamide gel, allowing for quantitative measurement of aminoacylation. This label-free assay is applicable to a wide range of amino acids and tRNA sequences and to both classes of aminoacylation.
The N-formylmthionyl group is transferred to the amino group of the second aminoacyl-tRNA in the A site, forming a dipeptidyl-tRNA. At this stage, both tRNAs bound to the ribosome shift position in the 50S subunit to take up a hybrid binding state.