MercuryII-Mediated Formation of Thymine−HgII−Thymine Base …
2006年2月2日 · The very specific binding of the Hg II ion unexpectedly and significantly stabilizes naturally occurring thymine−thymine base mispairing in DNA duplexes. Following this finding, we prepared DNA duplexes containing metal-mediated base pairs at the desired sites, as well as novel double helical architectures consisting only of thymine−Hg II ...
Hg (II) Binding to Thymine Bases in DNA | Inorganic Chemistry
2021年5月3日 · One especially intriguing property of Hg (II) is its ability to bind DNA directly, making interstrand cross-links between thymine nucleobases in AT-rich sequences. We have used a combination of small molecule X-ray diffraction, X-ray spectroscopies, and computational chemistry to study the interactions of Hg (II) with thymine.
Thymine-Hg - ScienceDirect
2019年11月5日 · In this paper, a dynamic and sensitive colorimetric strategy for Hg 2+ detection was developed base on T-Hg 2+ -T coordination chemistry and entropy driven catalytic reaction. T-Hg 2+ -T base pair initiates the stand displacement of entropy driven catalytic reaction. G-rich sequence is released from entropy driven catalytic reaction.
Hg (II) Binding to Thymine Bases in DNA - PubMed
2021年5月17日 · One especially intriguing property of Hg (II) is its ability to bind DNA directly, making interstrand cross-links between thymine nucleobases in AT-rich sequences. We have used a combination of small molecule X-ray diffraction, X-ray spectroscopies, and computational chemistry to study the interactions of Hg (II) with thymine.
Ultrasensitive Controlled Release Aptasensor Using Thymine–Hg2+–Thymine …
2020年9月18日 · Ultrasensitive electrochemical sensor for mercury ion detection based on molybdenum selenide and Au nanoparticles via thymine–Hg 2+ –thymine coordination. Analytical Methods 2022, 14 (3) , 278-285. https://doi.org/10.1039/D1AY01750K
MercuryII-mediated formation of thymine-HgII-thymine base
2006年2月22日 · The very specific binding of the HgII ion unexpectedly and significantly stabilizes naturally occurring thymine-thymine base mispairing in DNA duplexes. Following this finding, we prepared DNA duplexes containing metal-mediated base pairs at the desired sites, as well as novel double helical archite …
Formation of a Thymine‐HgII‐Thymine Metal‐Mediated DNA Base Pair ...
2013年6月13日 · A reaction mechanism that describes the substitution of two imino protons in a thymine:thymine (T:T) mismatched DNA base pair with a Hg II ion, which results in the formation of a (T)N3-Hg II-N3(T) metal-mediated base pair was proposed and calculated.
The structure of metallo-DNA with consecutive thymine–Hg
2013年12月26日 · We have determined the three-dimensional (3D) structure of DNA duplex that includes tandem Hg II-mediated T–T base pairs (thymine–Hg II –thymine, T–Hg II –T) with NMR spectroscopy in solution. This is the first 3D structure of metallo-DNA (covalently metallated DNA) composed exclusively of ‘NATURAL’ bases.
Formation of a thymine-Hg(II)-thymine metal-mediated DNA …
2013年7月22日 · A reaction mechanism that describes the substitution of two imino protons in a thymine:thymine (T:T) mismatched DNA base pair with a Hg(II) ion, which results in the formation of a (T)N3-Hg(II)-N3(T) metal-mediated base pair was proposed and calculated.
Light-Induced Formation of Thymine-Containing Mercury (II) …
2019年11月4日 · As thymine is well-known to coordinate to Hg II ions, we decided to probe the light-triggered Hg II-mediated base pair formation of caged thymidine. Towards this end, a caged thymidine derivative T NPP with well-established caging properties (Figure 1 b) 10 was introduced into different oligonucleotide sequences (Table 1 ).