TRN V90 | Worldwide Shipping - TRN-AUDIO
Reference-tuning TRN V90 with 1DD + 4BAs presents soaring highs, engaging midrange, and impactful bass, a high-frequency extension that makes cymbals sparkle and expands past your listening horizon. The midrange is fully resolved and uncolored. And the bass is extended and balanced, rich in texture, and well defined.
TRN V90 | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2019年9月27日 · trn v90 This is the new $45-50+ flagship of the TRN brand, it has four customized BA drivers and one 10mm diamond-graphite diaphragm DD per side. The shell is all aluminum with acoustic air vents on the backplate under the logo.
[心得] TRN V90 兩個月簡單心得 - 看板 Headphone - 批踢踢實業坊
2019年11月28日 · 於是萌生了想稍微升級的想法,當時各廠廝殺 KZ ZSX、CCA C12、TRN V90,三者之間猶豫 看到 greg7575 大三副耳機都有買的心得文後,決定再給TRN一次機會,入手V90 順帶一提在某皮買還比淘X還便宜而且 送一條八股金色銀銅混編線 (V80就是配這條在聽) 【開箱】 包裝精簡 ...
TRN V90 Pro | Worldwide Shipping | TRN-AUDIO
The TRN V90 Pro features an all-new 6-driver configuration, combining two dynamic and four balanced armature drivers. Through meticulous R&D, this acoustic architecture delivers a more comprehensive and high-quality sound experience.
trn的v90耳机值得买吗? - 知乎
trn的v90耳机值得买吗? 问了周围许多人很多人觉得这个小众品牌很容易踩雷(这里并不是对trn这个品牌有什么鄙视或者误解),v90是单边四铁一圈这个配制一看很强但怕体验翻车,求大…
【心得】TRN V90 上打10倍-惡搞開箱(2f更新 15k台擴&gr09
2020年8月25日 · 從圖表也不難看出,trn v90 三頻銜接及各項能力分布較不均勻,調音相對激進 ( 抓耳 ). 光說優點這樣母湯,V90 最大弱點在縱向音場較差,搭錯升級線甚至會吃光,
TRN V90 review: these are fun - Soundphile Review
2020年3月14日 · The TRN V90 are probably the best earphones the brand has created so far, with a a relatively balanced signature that emphasises bass and treble without exceeding in that. The good amount of detail portrayed, the good physicality and the overall good technical ability make the TRN V90 quite attractive .
TRN V90 Pro | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2024年12月19日 · The TRN V90 PRO 2 simply sounds more V-shape, more contrasty, and brighter than the KZ XS10 PRO 2. They are very similar in terms of technicalities, but I the V90 PRO has a slight edge, though, at the expense of the timbre naturalness.
TRN-V90 Earphone - Reviews | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2019年8月22日 · The V90 is the new flagship hybrid IEM from TRN, who are probably best known for their excellent 2DD + 2BA V80 hybrid earphone. The V90 is a 5-driver IEM (1DD + 4BA). It employs a 10mm dynamic driver with a “diamond graphite” diaphragm for the bass, two 50060 BAs for the midrange and two 30019 BAs for the high frequencies.
Review: TRN V90 - AudioBudget
2019年11月1日 · Excellent bass performance that never cripples the mids. Extremely loud and easy to drive. Perfect driver matching (see the FR measurement). Wisely designed housings that provide comfort for long listening sessions, especially for medium/large ears. Top-notch build quality reminiscent of BQEYZ, but smaller in size.