VAPP Determination with a Failure zThe approach speed increment improves handling characteristics. zWhen an abnormal configuration is detected and reached (actual slats/flaps position), the PFD displays the correct VLS. zThe ECAM …
A320 Abnormal Procedures Training Notes - studylib.net
Training notes on A320 abnormal procedures, covering MEL, ECAM, and emergency handling. For professional aviation training.
A320双液压故障处置程序讲解 - 百度文库
* 首先在perf app页上查看vls conf full,以确定vapp (或用qrh 飞行中性能 per-c 5/6)。 双液压系统故障处置程序 进近简令 标准简令 + 特殊简令 … … 利用 status页进行 qrh 27.01a 需要复习和讨论的内容: 双液压系统故障处置程序 绿+黄故障 绿 +黄 处置原则与绿+蓝相同
ECAM procedure should be applied after lift-off when appropriate flight path is established and aircraft is at least 400 ft AGL. Read more on why you can continue even if EGT exceeds the red line .
ABNORMAL OPERATION 1 - ECAM PHILOSOPHY General The ECAM system is a central component of the Airbus 2 crew member cockpit; it is fully linked to the Dark Cockpit and Forward Facing Crew Cockpit concepts.
A320_模拟机训练笔记(2)八个特殊情况记忆项目 - 百度文库
当 ecam 显示一个警告或注意信息时, 机组首先要确保飞机处于安全的飞行轨迹,对飞机的状况有正确的了解(操纵),有正确的 导航(决断和决策),与 atc 简明准确的沟通(通讯),最后才开始的 ecam 程序处理。
"LDG DIST PROC... APPLY" - a320 question - PPRuNe Forums
2012年4月2日 · Vapp Calculation is the table to use for Abnormal / Emergency scenarios. Vapp Determination is the table to use in Normal scenarios.
17383112-A320-ECAM-Philosophy.pdf - SlideShare
2022年8月6日 · The document provides guidance on the ECAM procedure for handling aircraft failures, which includes 6 steps: 1) detection, 2) ECAM actions, 3) system displays, 4) status, 5) situation assessment/decision, and 6) synthesis.
A320非正常程序-Dual_HYD_Fault - 百度文库
DECISION VAPP STATUS 2 4 8 AP P P R AP EP 7 P 6 BRIEFING PF ALTERNATE LAW : THS IS FROZEN PNF Autotrim function through the elevator UPON LANDING GEAR EXTENSION VREF is given: • On the ECAM, and • On the summary MCDU PERF APPR page • Select CONF FULL VAPP VLS LDG CONF • Read VREF = VLS CONF FULL • Add 25 …
elec emer config - studylib.net
pf elec emer configpnf fl 240 elec emer ac buses 1 & 2 fault land asap ecam actions decision configuration landing gear extension final appr landing & deceleration a320 - version 03 pf pnf 1. ... ..perform fmgs preparation : done upon pf request standard + manual insertion of vapp app briefing : standard + status + qrh elec emer config ...
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