Going to a VGO? – The Intermediate Feedstock You Wish You Knew!
2014年8月21日 · Vacuum gas oil or VGO is one of those mystery products talked about by refiners but barely understood by those of us that are not engineers. However it is an important intermediate feedstock that can increase the output of valuable diesel and …
瓦斯油 - 百度百科
Could the Rise of Vacuum Gas Oil (VGO) Signal the Fall of Oil?
2024年6月2日 · Vacuum gas oil (VGO) is a mix of hydrocarbons produced during the extraction of crude oil. Over several years, the use of VGO has skyrocketed, a sign that the oil industry to fighting to squeeze every bit of efficiency out of their extraction processes.
VGO (vacuum gasoil) 知识 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
减压蒸馏的原料通常只适用于常压蒸馏装置产生的重渣油。VDU的主要产品是减压汽油(VGO,vacuum gasoil),残余 燃料油 和重渣油,称为flasher bottoms。 在常压蒸馏和 真空蒸馏 中,炼厂仔细将碳氢分子分离,以便在具体的过程中进一步处理它们,以生产单组分的成品。
減壓瓦斯油 - 中文百科全書
vacuum gas oil 簡稱VGO,指原油經減壓蒸餾所得到的沸程範圍約為350~500℃的餾分油的總稱,是一種重質油。 石油煉廠中減壓瓦斯油常作為製取潤滑油的原料;也作為催化裂化、加氫裂化及熱裂化等過程的原料,以得到更多的輕質石油產品。
减压瓦斯油 - 百度百科
减压瓦斯油,简称VGO,指原油经减压蒸馏所得到的沸程范围约为350~500℃的馏分油的总称,是一种重质油。 石油炼厂中减压瓦斯油常作为制取润滑油的原料;也作为催化裂化、加氢裂化及热裂化等过程的原料,以得到更多的轻质石油产品。 随着石油化工的发展,要求不断扩大裂解原料范畴,近年来,已采用减压瓦斯油作为石油化工原料用于烃类裂解。 一般硫含量低的减压瓦斯油,例如低于0.5% (质量),可以不经预处理,即可直接进行裂解制取乙烯。 以减压瓦斯油为裂解 …
Vacuum Gas Oil Conversion - UOP Home
Vacuum gas oil (VGO) is a key feedstock for fluid catalytic crackers used to make transportation fuels and many other by-products. The Honeywell UOP FCC, Unicracking™ and VGO Unionfining™ processes are the keys to cost-effectively upgrading VGO into valuable products.
Vacuum Gas Oil Market Size, Industry Share | Forecast [2025-2032]
Vacuum Gas Oil Market Size, Share and Global Trend By Product (Light Vacuum Gas Oil (LVGO), Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil (HVGO)), By Sulfur Content (Low Sulfur Vacuum Gas Oil, High Sulfur Vacuum Gas Oil), By Application (Gasoline Production, Diesel Oil Production) and Regional Forecast, 2025-2032
Vacuum Gas Oils - Evonik
Vacuum Gas Oil (VGO) is one of the two outputs of the vacuum distillation tower (along with vacuum resid). VGO is the lighter material of the two. The primary use of VGO is as feed to cracking units such as the FCC or the hydrocracker.
Vacuum Gas Oil - Gunvor Group
Vacuum Gas Oil, often abbreviated as VGO, refers to a group of intermediate oil products obtained during the petroleum refining process. VGO is produced in a vacuum distillation unit, which operates at a pressure well below atmospheric pressure, allowing the oil to be separated at lower temperatures and thereby minimizing thermal cracking.