Vaka Moana, Voyages of the Ancestors: The Discovery and Settlement …
2007年8月8日 · Thousands of years before any other peoples left the sight of land, they were venturing across unknown seas to settle far-flung islands. This richly illustrated account of Pacific voyaging, past and present, examines the very latest findings from world authorities.
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Vaka Moana, Voyages of the Ancestors: The Discovery and ... - UH …
Thousands of years before any other peoples left the sight of land, they were venturing across unknown seas to settle far-flung islands. This richly illustrated account of Pacific voyaging, past and present, examines the very latest findings from world authorities.
Vaka Moana: Voyages of the Ancestors - Google Books
Leading New Zealand and international scholars, writers and practitioners discuss the oral traditions of the great voyagers; the exploration and settlement of the...
Vaka Moana: Voyages of the Ancestors edited by K. R. Howe
Vaka Moana: Voyages of the Ancestors relates this epic story of migration over a vast region and the technology required to achieve it. It is a beautifully formatted book and provides an excellent example of how social scientists can relate our research in a scholarly yet accessible manner not only to our colleagues but also to general readers ...
THE MOANA NUI PROJECT WILL REVIVE THESE LEGENDARY BOATS. These VAKA will be reborn to relive the conquest of the Pacific, in order to rediscover the traditional knowledges that has enabled the Oceanian and Polynesian peoples to survive despite deep and various crises, by preserving their common asset : the Ocean.
VAKA MOANA大洋之舟南島祖先的海洋之旅 - 傅君 編 - 國家網路 …
書名:vaka moana大洋之舟南島祖先的海洋之旅,語言:中文,isbn:9789860132649,頁數:120,出版社:國立臺灣史前文化博物館,作者:傅君 編,出版日期:2008/02/01,類別:文化藝術 國際文化交流及合作
Chapter 16. Vaka Moana – the ocean roads - ANU Press
Vaka Moana evokes many meanings: enterprise, daring, trade, kinship links, star navigation and marine development. It was an apt choice for the title of the Pacific states’ project in response to UNESCO’s invitation to implement significant activities and projects drawn up along interdisciplinary lines.
Vaka Moana, Voyages of the Ancestors - UBC Press
2007年8月8日 · Thousands of years before any other peoples left the sight of land, they were venturing across unknown seas to settle far-flung islands. This richly illustrated account of Pacific voyaging, past and present, examines the very latest findings from world authorities.
Our Vaka - Cook Islands Voyaging Society
The Vaka Moana is our largest traditional canoe. It is a fully autonomous open ocean sailing canoe. Its name means “Boat of the Ocean”. When James Cook first came to the Tuamotus and other Polynesian islands around 1770, he was inspired by …
Te Au O Tonga - Cook Islands Voyaging Society
Sir Thomas Davis built the first Vaka Moana, Te Au O Tonga in 1994 in Rarotonga/Cook Islands. “Te Au O Tonga” means “the mist of the South,” the name of the canoe of Karika, a Samoan chief who settled on Rarotonga about six centuries ago during the Tangiian epoch.