Solved: How VK11 works? - SAP Community
2009年3月18日 · We create condition record for thses condition types through t.code VK11. That means Condition master data or Condition record is created for a Condition type (may be Price, Discount/Surcharge, Tax or Freight etc) using VK11 t.code.
SAP Transaction VK11: A Comprehensive Guide for SAP Users
SAP Transaction VK11 (Create Condition) is a key transaction code used in SAP SD to maintain condition records. Condition records define the pricing elements, such as discounts, surcharges, or taxes, for specific combinations of materials, customers, and sales organizations.
SAP SD Define condition records - TutorialsCampus
Below process is to create condition records for the sales organization TCS1 for condition record pricing PR00. Step-1: Enter the transaction code VK11 in the SAP command field and click Enter to continue. (OR) Navigate to SAP Menu → Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Conditions → Selection by Condition Type → VK11 - Create.
SAP VK11/VK12 创建/更新价格记录 - CSDN博客
2023年8月23日 · sap vk11是用于创建或维护条件记录的交易代码。 条件 记录 是用于在销售和物流过程中存储 价格 、折扣、运费等信息的 记录 。 以下是使用 SAP VK11 创建 条件 记录 的步骤: 1.
VK11 SAP tcode for – Create Condition - TestingBrain
VK11 tcode in SAP SD (Master Data in SD) module. This transaction code is used for Create Condition. Here is it details, technical data, menu path etc.
维护销售定价记录_销售净价(PR00) – 枫竹丹青SAP学习与分享
创建销售定价的最常用的t-code是vk11,可以操作所有的销售/分销的定价条件类型(用途是“a 定价”、应用程序是“v 销售/分销”)。 此外还有VK15,与VK11相比,初始屏幕多出一个维护条件表的输入栏,可直接输入条件表号而不必弹出关键字组合对话框。
2014年9月26日 · 创建定价条件记录一般是两个tcode:MEK1 和 VK11MEK1是采购用的VK11是销售用的一个是配买的价格,一个是配卖的价格前台界面是一样的:回车后会维护不同视图看下采购订单价格条件的配置:欢迎关注订阅号:SAP学习记录(SAPlearning) ..._mek1 tcode
VK11 Tcode In SAP – Create Condition Record - Tcode Learn
2024年8月9日 · The VK11 Tcode used for Create Condition Record. When execute VK11 transaction in SAP, that time RM_MEREQ_GUI program run in backend. VK11 transaction code is belong to LE package.
VK11 Tcode in SAP | Create Condition Transaction Code - SAP …
VK11 is a SAP tcode coming under AP module and BBPCRM component. View some details about VK11 tcode in SAP. VK11 tcode used for: Create Condition in SAP; Module : AP-PRC-PR (Pricing) Parent Module : AP (Application Platform) Package : VKON (Application development R/3 conditions) ABAP Program : SAPMV13A
Solved: Create Condition Record - VK11 - SAP Community
2009年12月8日 · I suggest that you create a ZTABLE and maintain the condition record in that table, once this table is saved you can send those values for approval. For this you have to write your own program for which you have to take the help of ABAPer, If those condition records are approved, you can update all those values in VK11 using BDC. RAJ