Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging
Our services and programs give older adults and persons with disabilities access to information, assistance, consultation, and long-term care services and support. The experts of the ADRC …
wRAA - Sabermetrics Library
Weighted Runs Above Average (wRAA) measures the number of offensive runs a player contributes to their team compared to the average player. How much offensive value did Evan Longoria...
PASSPORT | Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging
PASSPORT Program helps eligible older adults live in their own homes with independence and dignity. The PASSPORT program helps Medicaid-eligible older Ohioans with alternatives to placement in nursing homes. As one of WRAAA’s flagship services, it strives to ensure the opportunity for independent living is available to every qualified older adult.
Weighted Runs Above Average (wRAA) | Glossary - MLB.com
Weighted Runs Above Average (wRAA) Definition. wRAA measures how many runs a hitter contributes, compared with an average player -- so a player with a 0 wRAA would be considered league average, offensively.
wRAA For Position Player WAR Explained - Baseball-Reference.com
There has already been a great deal of discussion how to compute Tom Tango's weight on-base average (wOBA), weighted runs above average (wRAA) and related stats. We believe these stats are the best in their class (among linear weights, runs created, and base runs) for assessing batter performance.
Programs and Services - Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging
Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging (WRAAA) provides Advocacy, Assistance, and Answers for those who are aging and disabled. Looking for resources in your area?
Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging - Ohio Department of Aging
Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging is the area agency on aging that serves Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain & Medina counties on Ohio's eastern lakefront (region 10A). How to find this location? Phone: 1-800-626-7277. Website: Area agencies on Aging coordinate local services for older adults and people with disabilities in their communities.
【Xavier棒球教室】打者進階數據篇(一): wOBA、 wRAA
May 9, 2014 · wOBA是由知名棒球數據大師Tom Tango所發明的進階數據,全名叫Weighted On-Base Average。 它兼具上壘率和長打率對打者攻擊能力的見解,架構頗像把兩者的公式結合起來,能把打擊的各種情況考慮進去,並給予更合理的權重計算 (小缺點是沒有經過球場校正)。 wOBA的基本公式如下: 註: Fangraphs網站每年會對wOBA的加乘權重略做微調,但差距很小。 一般而言,wOBA超過0.370就是很不錯的打者,達到0.400以上就是非常頂尖的打者,去年大 …
Weighted Runs Above Average (wRAA) Calculator
Weighted Runs Above Average (wRAA) is a baseball metric that measures the number of runs a player contributes to their team above or below an average player, with adjustments for league and park factors.
棒球数据辞典:这些击球员的高阶数据,你知道是啥意思吗? - 哔 …
May 29, 2022 · 得分贡献值(wRAA) 这是一项基于垒上贡献值的进阶数据,用来 衡量一位击球员对于球队的贡献度 。 它的算法便是(垒上贡献值-联盟平均垒上贡献值)除以指数乘以打席次数。