Hogger - NPC - Classic World of Warcraft - Wowhead
Hogger is a level 11 Elite NPC that can be found in Elwynn Forest, Dun Morogh, Durotar and 5 additional zones. In the NPCs category. Always up to date.
Hogger - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft
Hogger, chieftain of the Riverpaw pack, is a elite gnoll found atop his hill in southwestern Elwynn Forest. His defeat is the objective of a quest for low-level Alliance players.
Hogger - NPC - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
Hogger is a level 6 - 58 Elite NPC that can be found in Elwynn Forest. This NPC is the objective of WANTED: "Hogger". In the NPCs category. Always up to date.
Wanted: "Hogger" - Quest - Classic World of Warcraft - Wowhead
A huge gnoll, Hogger, is prowling the woods in southwestern Elwynn. He has overpowered all attempts at his capture. The Stormwind Army has placed a generous bounty on the Gnoll. To earn the reward, bounty hunters should bring proof of Hogger's demise to Marshal Dughan in Goldshire. Progress
霍格 - 魔兽世界中文维基,自由编辑的魔兽资料库 - 灰机wiki - 北 …
霍格 (Hogger), 河爪豺狼人 的首领,是盘踞在 艾尔文森林 西南方的11级 精英 豺狼人。 联盟 玩家在低等级阶段会接到以击杀他为目标的 任务:通缉:霍格。 霍格在游戏中的意义原本微不足道。 最初,由于霍格制造的麻烦与其低级别完全不对等,让他成为了游戏中最知名和最受欢迎的角色之一。 后来他的角色在 魔兽世界:巫妖王之怒 和 魔兽世界:大地的裂变 中多有延展。 本段文字所记述的内容来自 《魔兽世界:经典旧世》。 霍格和他的河爪豺狼人都是迪菲亚兄弟会成员 …
霍格是暴雪娱乐公司出品的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏《魔兽世界》中的河爪豺狼人首领,是盘踞在艾尔文森林西南的11级精英豺狼人。 联盟玩家在低等级时期,会接到以击杀他为目标的任务:“通缉:霍格”。 霍格在游戏中的意义原本微不足道。 最初,由于所制造的麻烦与其低级别完全不对等,霍格成为游戏中了最知名和最受欢迎的小角色之一。 后来他的角色在《魔兽世界:巫妖王之怒》和《魔兽世界:大地的裂变》中多有延展。
Hogger | WoWWiki - Fandom
Hogger is a level 11 elite named Riverpaw gnoll chieftain in Southern Elwynn Forest. A quest exists offering a reward for his killing from the Westbrook Garrison in Elwynn Forest, near the border with Westfall. He is an indirect agent of the Defias …
Kill Hogger, a COMPLETE guide - OwnedCore
2010年8月28日 · Hogger is a level 11 elite. He is the chieftain of the Riverpaw Gnolls in Southern Elwyn Forest. He is an indirect agent of the Defias Brotherhood, also appearing in the Stormwind Stockade from time to time. Hogger has earned the reputation for being one of the most difficult, it not the most difficult, encounters to date.
Wanted: "Hogger" - Quest - Classic wow database
A huge gnoll, Hogger, is prowling the woods in southwestern Elwynn. He has overpowered all attempts at his capture. The Stormwind Army has placed a generous bounty on the Gnoll.
Hogger - Warcraft Wiki - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft
Hogger, chieftain of the Riverpaw pack, is a elite gnoll found atop his hill in southwestern Elwynn Forest. His defeat is the objective of a quest for low-level Alliance players.
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